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would be limited to 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. daily. During those hours security would <br /> hire for 20 hours a week. <br /> Allowing one spokesperson for or against in the public portion, Oliver recognized Sharon <br /> Wells who spoke to the good character of the owner and pointed out his willingness to <br /> invest considerable dollars in an area of boarded businesses. Wendell Johnson spoke <br /> opposed stating the neighborhood was looking for more wholesome growth. He also <br /> questioned the veracity of the business plan. Mr. Johnson then submitted a petition <br /> listing those signing against the mini-mart. <br /> Ultimately with no rapprochement reached Councilmember Varner moved the committee <br /> send the bill to full Council without recommendation. All agreed after Dr. Ferlic's <br /> second. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, Chairperson <br /> Oliver Davis adjo ed the meeting at 5:14 p.m. <br /> ( 9.mitt-. <br /> id <br /> Oliver J II a ., Ch.i ►-rson <br /> Zoning &Anne, afo f ommittee <br />