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ZONING&ANNEXATION NOVEMBER 26,2012 <br /> Committee Members Present: Oliver Davis, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Dr. David Varner, <br /> Gavin Ferlic <br /> Other Council Present: Tim Scott, Henry Davis,Val Schey, Karen White, <br /> Derek Dieter <br /> Others Present: Mike Danch, Tony Zappia, Sharon Wells, <br /> Wendell Johnson, Mike Schmuhl, Mayor Pete <br /> Buttigieg, 15 other interested parties <br /> Agenda: Bill No. 38-12—Rezone/Special Exception 3529/3527 Western Av. <br /> Committee Chairperson Oliver Davis in the interests of staying on schedule while <br /> assuring a four hearing of the bill asked the presenters to appoint one spokesperson to <br /> present the petition and answer questions. Under the public portion one spokesperson for <br /> and one against could state their case. Any and all others on either side of the issue could <br /> speak at the evening full Council hearing. It should be noted this Bill No. 38-12, has <br /> stirred much controversy in the surrounding neighborhood stirring emotions both for and <br /> against. An extended hearing of the bill was conducted at a previous Council meeting <br /> which prompted a special neighborhood meeting to air concerns and build consensus. <br /> Oliver Davis asked Christa Nayder from Area Plan to report on the results of the APC <br /> Hearing on the bill. She reported that both the petition to rezone and the request for a <br /> special exception received a favorable recommendation with both sides evidenced. <br /> Mr. Davis turned to Mike Danch, the designated presenter to explain the original purpose <br /> and intent of the petition as well as changes or accommodations made by the petitioner <br /> since the Council and neighborhood meetings. The original purpose and intent of the <br /> petition as well as changes or accommodations made by the petitioner since the Council <br /> and neighborhood meetings. The original request would change zoning and grant <br /> permission to expand and add two gas pumps to an already legally operating mini-mart. <br /> The owner claims to want to invest$700-800 thousand dollars in the facility if the bill is <br /> approved. If not, the business will continue to operate"as is." Mr. Danch, once having <br /> explained the purpose and intent, offered a letter from the owner listing 11 commitments <br /> he was willing to make and if the petition was granted could legally be held to. The <br /> commitments it was said by Mr. Danch accommodated concerns raised by nearby <br /> residents at earlier meetings. Mr. Danch also said the 11 items promised would be null <br /> and void if the measure was rejected. <br /> Mr. Davis then allowed fellow Councilmembers brief questions. Gavin Ferlic, Karen <br /> White, and Tim Scott each had questions about the promised security and abatement of <br /> illegal activities around the business. This prompted Mr. Danch to say business hours <br />