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lead the effort to be more frugal. Councilmember Henry Davis, Jr. voiced support for the <br /> raise, adding consideration should be given to making Council positions full-time with <br /> commensurate salaries. Dr. Ferlic expressed opposition. In turning to public comment, <br /> Linda Wolfson, Wendall Johnson, and Murray Miller all supported the idea of a full-time <br /> Council. The committee ultimately sent the bill to full Council favorably as proposed <br /> following a majority vote taken after motions by Henry Davis and Dr. David Varner. <br /> The 2% increase in the Clerk's salary in Bill No. 59-12 was forwarded favorably after <br /> motions by Henry Davis, Jr. and Gavin Ferlic with the support of all. <br /> Bill No. 61-12, the last item on the schedule, was initiated by the Mayor and presented by <br /> the Director of Economic Development, Scott Ford. The bill requests the name of the <br /> Department of Community and Economic Development be changed to the Community <br /> Investment Department. According to the Director, Scott Ford, the name change reflects <br /> the re-organization of the department better reflecting its new mission. Councilmember <br /> Dr. David Varner moved the bill be sent favorably. Gavin Ferlic seconded and all <br /> affirmed. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Personnel &Finance Committee at <br /> this time, Chairperson White adjourned the meeting at 5:02 p.m. <br /> Respectfully Submitted, <br /> Karen L. White, Chairperson <br /> Personnel &Finance Committee <br />