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Henry Davis opened the hearing to comment from the public. Vera Peale, a <br /> neighborhood resident along with Mr. Jackson and Linda Wolfson all extolled the <br /> participative nature of the plan process. <br /> At this point Gavin Ferlic motioned to support. Karen White added a second and all <br /> supported the favorable recommendation. <br /> Under miscellaneous Henry Davis raised the question of the length, the dollar amount, <br /> and the performance measures of MBE/WBE's contract with Trinal. Oliver Davis <br /> echoed similar views. In response to Murray Miller's request for a report on MBE/WBE <br /> activities, Henry said he would ask for a report from their Board. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Community& Economic Committee <br /> at this time, Chairperson Henry Davis, Jr., adjourned the meeting at 4:35 p.m. <br /> Res s ectfull itted, <br /> 7' , . <br /> Henry Davis, Jr., Chairperson <br /> Community& Economic Development Committee <br />