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Community & Economic Development October 22,2012 <br /> Committee Members Present: Henry Davis, Karen White, Gavin Ferlic, <br /> Dr. Fred Ferlic <br /> Citizen Member: Zachary Raymond <br /> Other Council Members Present: Tim Scott,Val Schey, Dr. David Varner, <br /> Oliver Davis, Derek Dieter <br /> Others Present: Pam Meyer, Don Inks, Marti Wolfson, Kathleen Cekanski- <br /> Farrand, David Relos, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Mike Schmuhl, <br /> Mary Murphy, Chris Dressel, Jitin Cain, Kevin White, <br /> Murray Miller, Vera Peale, Linda Wolfson, Mrs. Jackson <br /> Agenda: Bill No. 12-76—Tax Abatement 1038 Norte Dame Av. <br /> Bill No. 12-80—Approve Lincoln Park Neighborhood Plan <br /> Chairperson Henry Davis called the Community and Economic Development Hearing to <br /> order with two items up for consideration. <br /> The first was Bill No. 12-76, a petition for residential abatement for a house located at <br /> 1038 Notre Dame Avenue. Mr. Davis called upon David Relos from the Community <br /> Investment Department to detail the petition. He stated the owners had met all criteria to <br /> qualify for the abatement. During the committee question period Dr. Fred Ferlic said <br /> while he supports this request, the Council should rethink the criteria so it would be used <br /> only when necessary or in other words, in a"but for" situation. Gavin Ferlic said <br /> residential tax abatement should be used in incent wise construction in distressed areas. <br /> Oliver Davis expressed support for abatements. Finally Karen White moved the bill be <br /> sent to Council favorably. Dr. Fred Ferlic seconded and all save Gavin Ferlic affirmed. <br /> The second item,bill No. 12-80 asks for the Council to approve the Lincoln Park <br /> Development Plan. Chris Dressel from Economic Development walked the Council <br /> through the plan attached noting the many meetings held in the neighborhood to <br /> collaborate with the residents soliciting and incorporating their input. Ann Mannix <br /> expanded on the nature and implementation of the plan. <br /> During Council questioning both Valerie Schey and Tim Scott asked the extent, if any, of <br /> the City's financial commitment to the plan. Dressel responded the only city dollars <br /> pledged were $150,000 for demolition of the worst homes. Karen White felt more <br /> explanation of the future City commitment to the plan was needed. Derek Dieter asked if <br /> data from the police patrols in this troubled areas was taken into consideration in <br /> formulating the plan. Mr. Dressel said PD data was incorporated in the planning process. <br /> Oliver Davis and Gavin Ferlic voiced support for the planning efforts. <br />