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r ; <br /> Utilities Committee <br /> 2005 South Bend Common Council <br /> The November 14, 2005 of the Utilities Committee was called to order by its Vice-Chairperson, <br /> Council Member Timothy Rouse at 4:44 p.m. in the Council Informal Meeting Room. <br /> Persons in attendance included Council Members Dieter, Pfeifer, Puzzello, Varner, Kuspa, <br /> White,Kelly, and Rouse; Mayor Stephen Luecke, Mikki Dobski-Schidler, City Attorney Charles <br /> Leone, Chief Assistant City Attorney Ann-Carol Nash, Citizen Member Martha Lewis, Director <br /> of Public Works Gary Gilot, Rita Kopala, Jack Dillon, Mrs. Kopola, City Controller M. <br /> Catherine Fanello, John Skomp, representatives of I/N Tek I/N Kote, Rick Campoli, City Clerk <br /> John Voorde,John Stancati and Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council Attorney. <br /> Council Member Rouse noted that Committee Members include Council Members Puzzello, <br /> Kuspa, Kirsits and himself. In light of Council Member Kirsits being unable to attend due to <br /> illness,he would chair the meeting. <br /> Council Member Rouse then called for a presentation on Bill No. 05-134 which would authorize <br /> a temporary transfer of idle funds from the Water Works General Fund (Fund # 620) to the <br /> Water Works Leak Insurance Fund(#644). <br /> John F. Stancati, Director of the Water Works Division made the presentation. This <br /> appropriation of $130,000 from the General Fund to the Water Works Leak Insurance Fund <br /> would assist the operations to carry out this program. He noted that last year $260,000 was <br /> requested with one-half(1/2) of that amount being repaid. He noted that the rate increase has <br /> helped. <br /> Following discussion, Council Member Kuspa made a motion, seconded by Council Member <br /> Puzzello that Bill No. 05-134 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br /> Council Member Rouse then called for a presentation on Bill No. 72-05 which would amend <br /> various sections of Chapter 17, Article 2, Division 4 of the South Bend Municipal Code in order <br /> to adjust regular sewage rates and heavy demand surcharge rates and to clarify other Code <br /> provisions. <br /> Mayor Luecke noted that he Chaired the Advisory Committee which held eight (8) meetings. <br /> Their recommendations included: addressing significant backups in basements first; establishing <br /> a multi-year plan; establish across the board rate increases; and implement no outside the city <br /> surcharge. A 2-phase approach has been suggested. The looked at buffering the rate increase <br /> from 34% to 29% and would provide a notebook of information along with a CD at this <br /> evening's Common Council meeting. <br /> John J. Dillon, Director of the Division of Environmental Services provided a CD to the <br /> Committee entitled "City of South Bend Combined Sewer Overflow Long Term Control Plan, <br /> Advisory Committee Handbook July 2005", however noted that it may not be compatible with <br /> the Council's computers. He also provided a multi-page handout entitled "Sewer Improvement <br /> Program-Phase I Planning & Community Outreach, November 14, 2005", a paper copy of the <br /> November 14,2005 Utilities Committee of the 2005 South Bend Common Council -Page 1 of 3- <br />