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.w <br /> Center Program (NPC)--Some Preliminary 2006 NPC Service Area Plan (SAP) Objectives and <br /> Actions"was then summarized(copies attached). <br /> River Park Neighborhood Partnership Center: <br /> Kitty Greschaffer, Chairperson of Riverpark summarized some of their activities. Kids Are <br /> River Park Energy Youth Groups (KARE) Youth Academy, meet every Tuesday from 4-5 p.m.; <br /> they host an annual Christmas Party at Allie's restaurant for children; and adults may participate <br /> in crime prevention and code enforcement programs. <br /> Chris Dressel, the Planner for the Center, noted that their monthly newsletter is distributed to <br /> about 2,600 persons; they host an annual center clean up; and host a crime walk. They are <br /> currently working on a new brochure. <br /> Some of the challenges and concerns they face include trash, uncut grass, illegal parking, etc. <br /> Council Member Rouse noted that he was present when the Partnership Center began, noting <br /> that there were a great deal of shootings, violence in the northeast neighborhood, and problems <br /> near the Notre Dame campus. Mayor Kernan, Jon Hunt and Father Malloy met and agreed that <br /> these types of problems could no longer be tolerated. As a result partnership centers would be <br /> located in troubled neighborhoods. He noted that his Committee is not trying to micro-manage, <br /> but rather is gathering information so that goals and concerns can be brainstormed in a public <br /> setting. <br /> Maurice Williams noted that partnership centers also provide a location for persons to meet, and <br /> that he has been involved in the neighborhood for the last 25 years. <br /> Ms. Meyer stated that it was always the intention to address problems and promote ways to <br /> improve communication between the many city services. She noted that there also has been an <br /> increase in crime watch groups who work with the police department. <br /> Ms. Greschaffer noted that among their objectives for 2006 would be to have Council Members <br /> come to their meetings, noting that often their District Council Member (Roland Kelly) does <br /> attend. <br /> Council Member Mizzello suggested that all Council Members be added to the mailing list so <br /> that they can receive copies of all of the monthly newsletters prepared by the neighborhood <br /> centers. <br /> Rum Village Neighborhood Partnership Center: <br /> Tonya Zozulya, the Planner for the Center. noted that their Director is unable to attend today's <br /> meeting. Rum Village now covers 600 household area approximately, with their primary goal <br /> being to get adults engaged. They issue bi-monthly newsletters. They have alley clean-ups <br /> where they partner with Code Enforcement. Development in the area includes the former Olive <br /> School site of 3.5 acres for potential housing to encourage home ownership. They offer fax, <br /> computer and copying services for those who need such services. They help in job search, and <br /> have a very active after school program. Senior activities include scrapbooking and bingo. They <br /> November 15,2005 Residential Neighborhoods Committee Page 2 of 4 <br />