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R entiai Neighborhoods Committee <br /> 2005 South Bend Common Council <br /> The November 15, 2005 Residential Neighborhoods Committee was called to order by its <br /> Chairperson, Council Member Timothy Rouse at 3:30 p.m. in the Council Informal Meeting <br /> Room. <br /> Persons included Council Members Kuspa, Puzzello and Rouse; Pam Meyer, Director of <br /> Planning and Neighborhood Development; Sharon T. Kendall, Executive Director of the <br /> Department of Community and Economic Development, Mrs. Kopola, Marco Mariani, Citizen <br /> Member Martha Lewis, Janice Miller, Maurcie Williams, Kitty Greschaffer, Cathy Brucker <br /> Toppel, Micahel Divita, Juanetta Hill, Dave Keeteau, Cynthia DeLeon, Liz Maradik, Tonya <br /> Zozulya, Chrsity O'Reed, Susan Adamek, Chris Dressel, Jamie Loo of the South Bend Tribune <br /> and Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council Attorney. <br /> Council Member Rouse noted that the Committee members include Council Members Dieter, <br /> Kuspa, White, and himself. He noted that one of the main purposes of the Committee is to have <br /> oversight of neighborhood development enhancement programs and centers. He voiced words <br /> of appreciation with regard to the plunge which occurred on November 10th permitting the <br /> Committee members and others to visit and see first-hand each of the Neighborhood Partnership <br /> Centers located throughout the City. Today, the Committee is looking forward to hearing about <br /> present program goals and objectives. <br /> Marco Mariani, Program Manager and Pam Meyer, Executive Director, provided a brief <br /> overview and introduced Maurice Williams, an NRC board member, Janice Miller, Chairperson <br /> of the Near Westside Cooperative Alliance,Kitty Gershauer, and Cathy Brucker Toppel, an NRC <br /> board member. It was noted that guidelines which are utilized. Each center provides outreach <br /> programs for a 8-10 block area. There is a different variety at each center. <br /> In response to a question from Council Member Rouse, it was noted that items which are studied <br /> before locating a center include a review of the housing stock, crime, infrastructure, etc. The <br /> NRC then has a contract with each partnership center. <br /> Ms. Meyer noted that years ago the Council was involved in adopting resolutions when rental <br /> agreements were utilized for the location of centers. Now that most are purchased, Council <br /> approval is not required. <br /> Mr. Marian stated that each year each center provides an annual report to the NRC, and that in <br /> the future a copy of that report will be filed with the Office of the City Clerk, acknowledging <br /> that the Clerk's Office is the information center for the city, and therefore this information <br /> would then be available to the Council as well as to the general public. <br /> A copy of the 2004 Annual Report from the Near Westside Partnership Center (copy attached) <br /> was then circulated to show the type of information which is submitted. A one-page "2005 <br /> Parnership Center Annual Report Figures (Preliminary) and 2005 Service Area Plan <br /> Goals/Objectives General Summary (copy attached) and a two-page "Neighborhood Parnership <br /> November 15,2005 Residential Neighborhoods Committee Page 1 of 4 <br />