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REGULAR MEETING APRIL 14, 2008 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Councilmember White asked Mr. Clark how the dots can be connected if the proper <br />paperwork is not submitted and reviewed, especially with all the concerns over the past <br />year with scrap metal issues. <br /> <br />Mr. Clark stated that he would need to be in contact with the Police Department to make <br />sure that the inspections are being conducted. Mr. Clark stated that he knows that the <br />Police Department is running background checks when the applications are submitted, <br />but he is not sure if they actually go out to the site to see if they have everything that is <br />required in the Ordinance. <br /> <br />Councilmember Davis questioned if the three (3) applicants that are on the Resolution <br />tonight have had the proper inspections and gone through the process that is outlined in <br />the Ordinance. <br /> <br />Mr. Clark responded that he does not know what the Police Department has done, but he <br />does know what the Department of Code Enforcement, Fire Department, Building <br />Department, and Water Works have inspected. <br /> <br />Councilmember White asked Mr. Clark to contact the Police Department to see if those <br />items have been inspected for and are in compliance with the Ordinance. <br /> <br />Mr. Clark stated that he has not talked with the Police Department for a couple of <br />months. But the last time he did talk to them that they were quite happy with the way the <br />Ordinance was working. Mr. Clark stated that he has a call into Chief Bishop, but has <br />been unable to establish contact with him today. He stated that he would get that <br />information to the Council. <br /> <br />Councilmember Dieter stated that the Police Department does not have staff assigned to <br />Scrap Metal. He noted that they are currently understaffed at this time. <br /> <br />Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand stated that often when the Council has a <br />Resolution before them like this one, there are reports from the various departments that <br />have been included when the Resolution is filed for Council consideration. Also, there <br />was an advisory report from the Board of Public Works, which is not being done at this <br />time. She noted that if the Council considers delaying this bill until the next Council <br />Meeting that for future filings that the Council consider revising the bill and put the <br />burden of proof back on the applicant. She advised that she will work with Mr. Clark to <br />resolve the issues brought up. <br /> <br />There being no one present wishing to speak to the Council either in favor of or in <br />opposition to this Resolution, Councilmember White made a motion to continue this bill <br />until April 28, 2008 meeting of the Council, until the Police Department has been contact <br />and a check list has been established listing whether or not the scrap metal/junk dealers <br />are in compliance with the ordinance. Councilmember Henry Davis seconded the motion <br />which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br /> <br />BILLS – FIRST READING <br /> <br />BILL NO. 20-08 FIRST READING ON A BILL TO VACATE THE <br /> FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: THE <br /> FIRST ALLEY TO BE VACATED IS THE FIRST <br /> EAST/WEST ALLEY SOUTH OF GOLDEN <br /> AVENUE FROM WOODWARD AVENUE TO <br /> THE FIRST NORTH/SOUTH ALLEY FOR A <br /> DISTANCE OF 120 FEET AND A WIDTH OF 14 <br /> FEET. THE SECOND ALLEY TO BE VACATED <br /> IS THE FIRST EAST/WEST ALLEY SOUTH OF <br /> GOLDEN AVENUE FROM RIVERSIDE DRIVE <br /> TO THE FIRST NORTH/SOUTH ALLEY FOR A <br /> DISTANCE OF 120 FEET AND A WIDTH OF 14 <br /> FEET <br /> 17 <br /> <br />