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Mr. St. Clair noted that there are water spray parks at Dean Johnson Park and Coquillard Park. <br /> Council President Pfeifer encouraged Mr. St. Clair to talk with the neighborhood for their input <br /> before water sprays are placed at Charles Black. <br /> In response to a question from Council Member White, it was noted that there is only one (1) <br /> leased vehicle. <br /> Council President Pfeifer commended the Park Department on the Howard Park bridge. <br /> Dr. Varner added that the area would be further enhanced when the buildings are razed. <br /> Council Member Puzzello made a motion, seconded by Council Member Kelly that Bill No. <br /> 38-05 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br /> Council Member Dieter noted that the next item of business was to be an update from Rick <br /> Walls, Executive Director of the College Football Hall of Fame. Council Member Dieter that to <br /> date a total of four (4) letters have been sent to his predecessor Bernie Kish and Mr. Walls <br /> beginning on March 17th,April 8th,May 23rd and one thereafter requesting information on how <br /> attendance is counted and documentation to support such figures. He noted that Mr. Walls <br /> requested additional time to prepare. <br /> Council Member Dieter stated that Mr. Walls would be re-scheduled to appear at the July 25th <br /> Committee meeting. <br /> Dr. Varner noted that Mr. Walls found time to provide information to the Century Center Board <br /> of Managers. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Committee, Council Member Dieter <br /> adjourned the meeting at 5:23 p.m. <br /> R- •ectfully submi , < <br /> -..„,:,. ■ 1 1 t 0 A.,. f <br /> Council Member Derek D. Dieter, Chairperson <br /> Parks,Arts,Recreation and Culture(PARC)Committee <br /> KCF:kmf <br /> Attachments <br /> Parks, Arts,Recreation and Culture(PARC)Committee June 27,2005 Page 2 <br />