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Parks, Arts,Recreation and Culture MARC]Committee <br /> The June 27, 2005 meeting of the Parks, Arts, Recreation and Culture (PARC) Committee was <br /> called to order by its Chairperson, Council Member Derek D. Dieter at 5:05 p.m. in the Council <br /> Informal Meeting Room. <br /> Persons in attendance included Council Members Pfeifer, Kelly, Puzzello, Dieter, Varner, <br /> Kuspa, White, Kirsits and Rouse; City Clerk John Voorde, Rita Kopola, Martha Lewis, Don <br /> Inks, Beth Leonard, Phil St. Clair, Bill Carleton and Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council <br /> Attorney. <br /> Council Member Dieter called for a presentation on Bill No. 38-05 which would appropriate an <br /> additional $679,400 from Parks and Recreation Fund # 201 for capital expenditures due to <br /> delays in the receipt of 2004 tax revenues(copy attached). <br /> Park Superintendent Phil St. Clair passed out a one-page handout (copy attached) which was <br /> identical to one attached to the ordinance. He then highlighted proposed capital expenditures <br /> from Fund# 201 under the following categories: <br /> Buildings and Building Improvements $111,000 total <br /> Land Improvements $281,000 total <br /> Motor Vehicles/Equipment $ 78,000 total <br /> Computer Equipment&Networking $ 49,500 total <br /> Materials and Equipment $159,900 total <br /> $679,400 total <br /> Council Member White requested an update on Muessel Park and Holy Cross School. <br /> Mr. St. Clair stated that they are discussing a variety of things. <br /> Council Member Kirsits stated that the primary focus is to make the park safer. <br /> Council Member White noted that she and Council President Pfeifer recently had a meeting at <br /> the King Center and were advised by Mr. Scott that they are having problems with the PA <br /> system. <br /> In response to a question from Council Member Dieter, Mr. St. Clair stated that the "wish list" <br /> for Muessel would cost about$1/4 million. <br /> Council Member White inquired whether the Krock Center was looking at Muessel Park, adding <br /> that she would not support it at that location. <br /> Mr. St. Clair stated that this would not be a good location for it. <br /> Council Member Kirsits inquired whether they have to document gallonage used of fresh water, <br /> noting that the Fire Department has to for its"Spray and Pay"programs. <br /> Parks, Arts,Recreation and Culture(PARC)Committee June 27,2005 Page I <br />