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each day of violation. She stated that under the current ordinance several notices have been sent <br /> but have not gone to trial on any. <br /> Mr. Leone stated that they will rely on information from the police and what they actually <br /> observed. <br /> Dr. Varner inquired about the process of getting the Universities involved. <br /> Chief Fautz stated that in the past Chuck Hurley would come on a regular basis for the <br /> University of Notre Dame. <br /> Council Member White stated that IUSB regulates on-campus as well as off-campus conduct of <br /> its students. <br /> The Council Attorney inquired about separating the items in the ordinance which require a <br /> "reasonable suspicion" threshold to be reached versus those which require a "probable cause" <br /> standard; to which Chief Fautz stated he would prefer staying with probable cause for all. <br /> Asst. City Attorney asked everyone to review the draft ordinance so that first reading could take <br /> place in early July. <br /> Council Member Puzzello stated that once the final version of the ordinance is in place that she <br /> would like to have it sent to all of the colleges and universities well in advance of the students <br /> coming. <br /> Council Member White requested comments to be sent by May 31st and that another committee <br /> meeting would be called for June 22nd at 4 pm to continue discussions. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Committee, Council Member White <br /> adjourned the Committee meeting at 4:45 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> oun ' Member Karen L. White, Chairperson <br /> Health and Public Safety Committee <br /> KCF:kmf <br /> Attachment <br /> May 25,2005 Health and Public Safety Committee of the 2005 South Bend Common Council <br /> -page 2- <br />