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Health and Public Safety Committee <br /> 2005 South Bend Common Council <br /> The May 25, 2005 meeting of the Health and Public Safety Committee was called to order at <br /> 4:00 p.m. by its Chairperson, Council Member Karen L. White, in the Council's Informal <br /> Meeting Room. <br /> Persons in attendance included Council Members Pnzzello, Kelly, White, and Varner, Assistant <br /> City Attorney Ann-Carol Nash, City Attorney Charles Leone, Police Chief Thomas Fautz, Legal <br /> Intern Sarah Troyer, Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council Attorney, and Jeff Parrot of the South <br /> Bend Tribune. <br /> Council Member White noted that the Committee members include Council Members Rouse, <br /> Varner,Kuspa and herself. <br /> Council Member White noted that the meeting was called to have discussion of amendments to <br /> the Disorderly House Ordinance. <br /> Council Member Pl»7ello noted that noise is one of several problems which has negatively <br /> affected her Council District, noting however that it is a city-wide issue. She held a meeting at <br /> the Robinson Center on March 15, 2005 where five (5) main issues were identified. It was <br /> agreed that the issues would be worked on and that any new legislation should be in effect by <br /> August 1st. She also noted that she began holding meetings with people in her District last year <br /> who voiced great concern about student parties which get out of hand, have too many people, <br /> noise, sell cups for alcoholic beverages, litter, and underage drinking. Some of the areas <br /> affected are along Angela Boulevard, Pokagon, Wooded Estates, East Washington, Northeast <br /> Neighborhood, and Harter Heights. She added that there are rumors that South Bend does not do <br /> anything about these problems. <br /> City Attorney Charles Leone stated that problems have also been at Turtle Creek, Campus View <br /> and Castle Point. <br /> Council Member White noted that there are no problems around IUSB. <br /> Police Chief Thomas Fautz sees these problems as major problems since they drain police <br /> manpower. Officers take alot of abuse and they need tools like the ordinance being proposed. <br /> The police car cameras may provide supplementary evidence for such violations. He stated that <br /> he would still like to ticket. <br /> Council Member Pnzzello noted that Bloomington, Indiana regulates parties which have over 40 <br /> people in attendance and require a permit. <br /> Assistant City Attorney Ann-Carol Nash then provided copies of the draft ordinance (copy <br /> attached). She noted that often our police work with the Excise Police. Notice would have to <br /> be given with the City Attorney's Office sending notice to the owner of the property and the <br /> occupants. If after notice they may then be subject to an injunction and a fine of up to $2,500 for <br /> May 25,2005 Health and Public Safety Committee of the 2005 South Bend Common Council <br /> -page 1- <br />