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City Attorney Charles Leone stated that his department is currently working on the noise <br /> ordinance itself He stated that the proposed ordinance could be enforced at any time. <br /> Council Member Kelly voiced concern that the ordinance might provide an opportunity for <br /> neighbors to use it against each other. He noted that he has a son that lives on Pokagon and does <br /> not have noise problems. <br /> Council Member White voiced concern over the lack of enforcement of all quality of life <br /> ordinances which are now on the books. She noted that the problems addressed in these <br /> ordinance are experienced throughout the city. She suggested quarterly updates on the <br /> enforcement of all of these ordinances. Council Member White also expressed concern about <br /> the number of ordinance tickets which have been voided and suggested that the Council needs <br /> more information as to why. <br /> The Council Attorney noted that a series of Health and Public Safety Committee meetings were <br /> held last Fall and that several community meetings where held this year at the Robinson Center. <br /> All of the universities and colleges were invited to participate, as well as students, neighbors, <br /> neighborhood groups and landlords. At the last community meeting it was agreed that if new <br /> legislation was necessary that all parties would work to have it in place by August 1st so that all <br /> of the universities and colleges could make their students aware of the regulations during their <br /> orientations. <br /> Council Member Rouse noted that he attended some of the community meetings held, and noted <br /> that problems of this type he has been experiencing all his life. He stated that he believes that <br /> the problems can be resolved but perhaps the city may be using the wrong approach, noting that <br /> there are some individuals who do not want rental properties in their neighborhood. Council <br /> Member Rouse stated that he agrees with Council Member Puzzello that something must be <br /> done. <br /> Council Member Kuspa noted that there are many parties held in the 6th District, and that the <br /> ordinance would affect Simeri's which is located in his District. He voiced concern as to <br /> whether the ordinance would also be addressing the many church festivals, and believes that the <br /> ordinance may have"too heavy a hammer". <br /> Council Member Puzzello stated that she has been attending meetings on these problems for the <br /> past 1 1/2 years,with many of these meetings having 40-50 people in attendance. She has talked <br /> with all of the colleges as well as to the police department. The Police Department has <br /> repeatedly told her that it takes more officers than the city can afford to address these problems. <br /> Council Member Puzzello stated that Mr. Kramer came to the last two community meetings and <br /> stated that if he knows that the police are coming he calls the students and tells them to "slow <br /> students down". The University of Notre Dame has problems with documentation. She stated <br /> that there is a real need to hold landlords responsible, as well as people who violate local <br /> ordinances, with many of them being students. The ordinance is attempting to solve problems <br /> which exist, and exit in many of the residential neighborhoods near Notre Dame. Last year she <br /> witnessed a party on St. Peter with over 100 students. <br /> Council Member Kirsits stated that there are "serious problems out there and that Notre Dame <br /> has a serious drinking problem which the university has addressed by pushing the problem <br /> July 11,2005 Health and Public Safety Committee of the 2005 South Bend Common Council -page 3- <br />