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Health and Public Safety Committee <br /> 2005 South Bend Common Council <br /> The July 11, 2005 meeting of the Health and Public Safety Committee was called to order at <br /> 4:48 p.m. by its Chairperson, Council Member Karen L. White, in the Council's Informal <br /> Meeting Room. <br /> Persons in attendance included Council Members Dieter, Pfeifer, Puzzello, Kelly, Kuspa, White <br /> Kirsits and Rouse; Citizen Member Martha Lewis, Brad Poulan, Executive Director of the <br /> Department of Community and Economic Development Sharon Kendall,Mrs. Kopola, Assistant <br /> City Attorney Ann-Carol Nash, City Attorney Charles Leone, Police Chief Thomas Fautz, Sarah <br /> Troyer,Dave Smith, Cecilia Gild,Bonnie Rain,Deb Albright,Mark Kramer, Lois Steele, Chuck <br /> Kemble,Dave Wozniak, City Clerk John Voorde,Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council Attorney, <br /> and Jeff Parrot of the South Bend Tribune. <br /> Council Member White noted that the Committee members include Council Members Rouse, <br /> Varner,Kuspa and herself. <br /> Council Member White indicated that the meeting was called to discuss Bill No. 40-05 which <br /> would amend Chapter 13 of the South Bend Municipal Code in order to expand the scope of <br /> prohibited conduct which may generate an action to abate a public nuisance. <br /> Assistant City Attorney Aim-Carol Nash stated that she would make a presentation on Bill No. <br /> 40-05 on behalf of Police Chief Thomas Fautz and the City's Legal Department. She noted that <br /> the Legal Department has been working on the proposed ordinance for a number of months. It <br /> addresses the public safety concerns raised by 4th District Council Member Puzzello and the <br /> many community meetings which she has hosted. The disorderly house ordinance would work <br /> similar to the drug house ordinance. A notice to abate would be sent to both the landlord and the <br /> tenant upon repeated violations of the ordinance. The City's Legal Department may seek <br /> injunctive relief as well as a monetary fine. Ms. Nash noted that the ordinance adds violation of <br /> alcoholic beverage laws to the list and amends the loud noise violation section to streamline the <br /> enforcement process. She then asked Sarah Troyer, a Legal Intern with the City's Legal <br /> Department to distribute proposed handouts which would be used in conjunction with the <br /> proposed ordinance(copies attached). <br /> In response to a question from Council Member Puzzello, Ms. Nash stated that a police officer <br /> will need to document alleged violations of the ordinance. <br /> Council Member Puzzello noted that she begin having meetings last year in response to the many <br /> disturbances disrupting the peace and quiet of many neighborhoods in her Councilmanic <br /> District. She noted that in many instances there were very large and very noisy parties, as well <br /> as a large among of litter and trash left after the parties. She stated that such disturbances in <br /> residential areas are violating people's rights and that such behavior is not a"right of passage". <br /> Council Member White then opened the discussion for comments from the public who wished to <br /> speak in favor of Bill No. 40-05. <br /> July 11,2005 Health and Public Safety Committee of the 2005 South Bend Common Council -page 1- <br />