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df <br /> Ms. Nash stated that they would like something"before the weather gets nice again", and added <br /> that she need feedback from the charitable organizations. <br /> Council Member Kirsits stated that this is long overdue especially in light of road rage. He <br /> stated that there are other avenues for such organizations. He also suggested that the Legal <br /> Department see what other communities are doing and report back to the Council. He noted that <br /> the"gold badge" solution for door to door solicitations works well. <br /> Council Member Rouse suggested that the Legal Department have dialogue with traditional <br /> organizations such as the Shriners, etc. to see how they raise monies. <br /> In response to a question from Council Member White, Ms. Nash stated that the Legal <br /> Department will write to organizations to see who relies on this process and to see how they <br /> would be affected. <br /> Council Member White stated that she looks forward to an update from Ms. Nash once she has <br /> more information. <br /> Council Member White noted that she is working with the Council Attorney on possible <br /> revisions to the pit bull regulations. Contacts have been made to the County Council who have <br /> been studying changes to their dangerous animal control regulations. She noted that this is a <br /> challenging area. <br /> Council Member White added that she anticipates calling a committee meeting on either <br /> November 21st or November 30th to receive an update on the community response to diasters. <br /> The Council Attorney added that she has been in contact with Jeanne Mahoney, Director of <br /> Emergency Management for this presentation, and hopes to have input from Steve Garrison on <br /> Anti-Terrorism Preparedness, with Mayor Luecke chairing the other Anti-Terrorism Joint <br /> Committee for South Bend,Mishawaka and St. Joseph County. <br /> Under miscellaneous business, Keith Sweitzer of the FOP # 36 noted that he and Rick <br /> Ruzkowski are present to let the Council know that the FOP members are using squad cars for <br /> official business only. this has resulted in a 10% reduction. They met with the Police Chief on <br /> October 18th to give him this information. <br /> Council Member White thanked the FOP members for implementing this program which is <br /> reducing gasoline usage. The Mayor and Dr. Varner also voiced appreciation,. however Dr. <br /> Varner noted that the Council needs to know"10%of what" and more specifics on the program. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Committee, Council Member White <br /> adjourned the Committee meeting at 5:13 p.m. <br /> Resectfully sub fitted, <br /> Council Member Karen L. White, Chairperson <br /> Health and Public Safety Committee <br /> KCF:kmf <br /> October 24,2005 Health and Public Safety Committee of the 2005 South Bend Common Council -page 2- <br />