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Health and Public Safety Committee <br /> 2005 South Bend Common Council <br /> The October 24, 2005 meeting of the Health and Public Safety Committee was called to order at <br /> 4:52 p.m. by its Chairperson, Council Member Karen L. White, in the Council's Informal <br /> Meeting Room. <br /> Persons in attendance included Council Members Pfeifer, Dieter, Kuspa, Rouse, Kirsits, <br /> Puzzello, White, and Varner; Mayor Stephen Luecke, Citizen Member Martha Lewis, Assistant <br /> City Attorney Ann-Carol Nash, City Attorney Charles Leone, Public Works Director Gary Gilot, <br /> Mrs. Kopola, Executive Director of the Department of Community and Economic Development, <br /> Mikki Dobski-Schidler, Keith Sweitzer, Rick Ruzkowski, Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council <br /> Attorney,and Jamie Loo of the South Bend Tribune. <br /> Council Member White noted that the Committee members include Council Members Rouse, <br /> Varner,Kuspa and herself. <br /> Council Member White noted that Bill No. 70-05 which would amend Chapter 13 of the South <br /> Bend Municipal Code addressing noise regulations will be continued until the November 14th <br /> Council meeting. This will allow additional meetings with the Legal Department,the Ordinance <br /> Violations Bureau, the Police Department and the Council. She stated that if the Council <br /> Members have any questions or concerns that they should contact her. <br /> Council Member White noted that the next item on the agenda is a discussion on the proposed <br /> safe street ordinance. She stated that she received a memo dated October 14, 2005 from <br /> Assistant City Attorney Ann-Carol Nash requesting this to be heard. <br /> Assistant City Attorney Ann-Carol Nash noted that she is working with the City Attorney to <br /> address concerns where people are at busy intersections often soliciting money for good causes. <br /> She noted that there are state laws in place which address the obstruction of traffic. The police <br /> department believes that regulations are needed based on public safety concerns. It is her intent <br /> to contact charitable organizations to see how many use this for fund-raising purposes. <br /> Mr. Leone stated that this practice has been "going on for a while", and that he supports the <br /> proposal. <br /> The Council Attorney inquired when the process changed, noting that in the past only those <br /> charitable organizations who received permission from the Board of Public Works at designated <br /> locations with proper reflective vests, etc. were allowed. All others where prohibited and <br /> stopped by the police department. <br /> Mr. Gilot stated that when requests come to the Board of Public Works, the Board no longer <br /> approves them,however they continue to take place. <br /> Council Member White suggested looking at the current legislation to see what enforcement <br /> mechanism now exist and what follow through there has been. She then inquired about the <br /> proposed time line. <br /> October 24,2005 Health and Public Safety Committee of the 2005 South Bend Common Council -page 1- <br />