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information from the Portage, Indiana project which is five years old. Mr. Hunt stated he would <br /> provide that information at a later date. <br /> Council President Pfeifer inquired how the project would not compete with the downtown. <br /> Mr. Hunt stated that the proposed uses which are light industrial would not compete. The retail <br /> would be targeted to the immediate neighborhood. Bass Pro was given as an example of <br /> destination retail. <br /> Mr. Perri stated that developers"set the table for what is most viable and attractive". They have <br /> a 30-year history of developing office space in the downtown. <br /> Council Member White inquired about what financial support from the city would be needed <br /> and what impact would it have on other areas of the community. <br /> Mayor Luecke stated that memorandums of understanding are developed which address TIF <br /> monies which would support the development. <br /> Council Member Rouse thanked Representative Dvorak for his comments and noted that the <br /> same scenario of anti-annexation was voiced when University Mall was being considered. He <br /> stated that the City of South Bend missed that opportunity. <br /> In response to a question from Council Member Kirsits,Mr. Hunt noted that there would be a 1st <br /> phase and a 2nd phase with the 2nd phase including the opportunity location. <br /> County Council Member Przbysz noted that the University of Notre Dame's proposal on paper <br /> was very different after they spoke with residents and did traffic studies. He suggested putting <br /> off the development for a year. <br /> Mr. Hunt stated that the fundamental decision is does this proposal fit in the city's long term <br /> strategic growth plan. <br /> Council Member Kuspa noted the traffic situation on Grape Road, and stated that he believes <br /> that if this development goes forward that the traffic will not be as bad as that on Grape. <br /> Council President Pfeifer thanked everyone for coming to this informational Saturday Informal <br /> Meeting of the Council. She then adjourned the meeting at 12:32 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Charlotte D. Pfeifer, Council resident <br /> South Bend Common Council <br /> KCF:kmf <br /> Attachments <br /> April 9,2005 Informal Meeting of the South Bend.Common Council -page 5- <br />