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$551,452 million total investment <br /> 6,059 jobs would be created <br /> $6.8 million in real estate taxes would be generated <br /> $ 2 million in COIT taxes would be generated <br /> $650,000 hotel/motel taxes would be generated <br /> Phase 1 of the project is seeking annexation and rezoning. A transportation analysis and <br /> interchange discussion will soon be underway. He sees Portage Prairie as a strategic asset of <br /> planned growth over a 10-15 year period. The power point ended with a slide stating "Portage <br /> Prairie-A New Community-An Old Tradition". <br /> In response to questions from Dr. Varner, Mr. Hunt stated that the light industrial use would go <br /> regardless of the interchange and that retail is also needed. There would be development <br /> without an interchange but in that case there would be more impact on the local roads. Mr. Hunt <br /> also stated that there would be $550 million in investment approximately. Development <br /> agreement would address various types of facilities and time lines so that the project will <br /> "bootstrap itself as much as possible". <br /> Dr. Varner noted that there are many definitions of smart growth which think tanks have <br /> developed and he appreciated the site of the one described. <br /> Council Member Kelly inquired into the odds of getting the interchange. <br /> It was noted that MACOG computer models will help determine whether it is necessary and <br /> appropriate. INDOT owns the Indiana Toll Road and they will look at how it may be impacted. <br /> County Council Member W. Randall Przbysz noted that the MACOG study will not begin for a <br /> few months, and voiced concern why they annexation and rezoning would be voted upon prior to <br /> that study being completed. <br /> Mr. Hunt stated that the decision of the city involves economic development strategy; and the <br /> city should look at whether this area has a role in the city's future. <br /> State Representative Ryan Dvorak stated that he lives in the 1st District and believes the <br /> question to the city should be how is the proposed development going to impact the city; does <br /> the city want to stimulate development in the city or property near the state line. He noted that <br /> he has pending legislation in the Indiana General Assembly which would give property owners in <br /> the affected township a better voice. <br /> Mr. Hunt stated that the city should realize opportunities citing Mishawaka's grade separation on <br /> Main Street as going forward because of tax monies. <br /> Dr. Varner requested from Mr. Hunt information on the Indianapolis project which they began in <br /> 1995 with regard to space available, monies generated, investments and also the same <br /> April 9,2005 Informal Meeting of the South Bend Common Council -page 4- <br />