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Council Member Kelly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Kuspa that Bill No. 80-05 <br /> be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br /> Council Member Puzzello then called for a presentation on Bill No. 81-05 which would <br /> appropriate $3,167,445 from fund 212 to defray expenses and would designate subgrantee <br /> agencies for the 2006 program year which are administered through the Department of <br /> Community and Economic Development. <br /> Ms. Leonard stated that the Bill went through the required 30-day comment period. They were <br /> unable to fund Healthy Communities Initiatives request of$10,000. <br /> Council Member Kuspa made a motion, seconded by Council Member Kelly that Bill No. 81-05 <br /> be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br /> Council Member Puzzello then called for a presentation on Substitute Bill No. 82-05 which <br /> would transfer$1,194,321 amount various accounts within Fund 212. <br /> Ms. Leonard stated that the Bill was made public September 30, 2005 for a 30-day comment <br /> period and public hearings on October 12th and October 13th. The Bill is a companion to the <br /> CDBG appropriation Bill of$3,167,445. <br /> Council Member Kelly made a motion, seconded by Citizen Member Martha Lewis that <br /> Substitute Bill No. 82-05 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br /> Council Member Puzzello then called for a presentation on Substitute Bill No. 83-05 which <br /> would pledge the use of revenues for repayment of a Section 108 loan from the HUD to the City <br /> of South Bend. <br /> Ms. Leonard stated that the Bill pledges a repayment plan for the $11.98 million section 108 <br /> loans received by the city. <br /> Ann Kolata spoke in favor of the Bill. She noted that the original version called for COIT funds, <br /> whereas the substitute calls for CRED and TIF funds instead. <br /> Council Member Kuspa made a motion, seconded by Citizen Member Martha Lewis that <br /> Substitute Bill No. 83-05 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned by <br /> Council Member Puzzello at 4:41 p.m. <br /> Res z ctfully s itted, <br /> /111 <br /> ouncil Member • �� j ello, Chairperson <br /> Community and Economic Development Committee <br /> KCF:kmf <br /> Attachments <br /> November 14,2005 Community and Economic Development Committee Meeting Minutes -Page 2 of 2- <br />