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7 � <br /> Community and Economic Development Committee <br /> 2005 South Bend Common Council <br /> The November 14, 2005, meeting of the Community and Economic Development Committee <br /> was called to order by its Chairperson, Council Member Aim Puzzello at 4:32 p.m. in the <br /> Council Informal Meeting Room. <br /> Persons in attendance included Council Members Puzzello,Kelly,Pfeifer,Kuspa,Varner,White, <br /> Dieter, and Rouse; Citizen Member Martha Lewis, Community and Economic Development <br /> Executive Director Sharon Kendall, Building Commissioner Don Fozo, Ann Kolata, Elizabeth <br /> Leonard, Pam Meyer, City Clerk John Voorde, Jeff Parrot of the South Bend Tribune and <br /> Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand,Council Attorney. <br /> Council Member Puzzello noted that Committee is composed of Council Members Kuspa,Kelly, <br /> Kirsits and herself. <br /> Council Member Puzzello called for a presentation on Bill No. 78-05 which would appropriate <br /> $123,586 received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Emergency <br /> Shelter Grant Program. <br /> Elizabeth Leonard, Director of Financial and Program Management in the Department of <br /> Community & Economic Development made the presentation. This bill would appropriate <br /> emergency shelter grant monies expected to be received for calendar year 2006 to the Center for <br /> the Homeless, AIDS Ministries/AIDS Assist, Youth Service Bureau, and the YWCA; plus pay <br /> for some administrative expenses. The exact amounts are listed in the ordinance. <br /> Council Member Kelly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Kuspa that Bill No. 78-05 <br /> be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br /> Council Member Puzzello then called for a presentation on Bill No. 79-05 which would <br /> appropriate $28,919 from Fund 210 (Economic Development State Grant Fund) for the purpose <br /> of assisting in the support of the Department of Community & Economic Development's <br /> Administrative budget. <br /> Ms. Leonard stated that the amounts are those shared with the Council on September 21st and <br /> were subject to a public comment period during October. <br /> Council Member Kelly made a motion, seconded by Citizen Member Martha Lewis that Bill No. <br /> 79-05 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br /> Council Member Puzzello then called for a presentation on Bill No. 80-05 which would <br /> appropriate $640,349 within Fund 212 (Community Development Fund), for the purpose of <br /> defraying administrative costs of the department. <br /> Ms. Leonard stated that the projected income is from fees, interest income and staff support <br /> contracts. <br /> November 14,2005 Community and Economic Development Committee Meeting Minutes -Page 1 of 2- <br />