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REGULAR MEETING June 221`1, 2020 <br /> Councilmember Jake Teshka stated that he is philosophically opposed to Medicare for all but also <br /> stated his belief that this Resolution was outside of the purview of the Common Council. <br /> Councilmember Rachel Tomas Morgan commented on the virtue of resolutions such as these and <br /> challenged her Council colleague to think about how they would be able to bring about change at <br /> a larger scale. <br /> Councilmember Henry Davis Jr. thanked everyone that has worked with him and the co-sponsors <br /> on the Resolution. He then challenged the notion that this was not within the purview of the <br /> Common Council and he believes it is. <br /> Councilmember Lori K. Hamann stated that all politics are local, and she believes these types of <br /> resolutions do bring about that value. <br /> Councilmember Sheila Niezgodski mentioned that it is the COVID-19 pandemic language that <br /> helps her support the resolution. <br /> Councilmember Henryvis Jr. made a motion to adopt Bill No. 20-17. Councilmember Lori K. <br /> �' p <br /> Hamann seconded this motion which carried by roll call vote of seven (7) ayes and one (1) nay <br /> (Councilmember Jake Teshka.) <br /> 20-18 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE <br /> CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, ACKNOWLEGING <br /> THE COMMITMENT OF THE CITY <br /> ADMINISTRATION AND POLICE DEPARTMENT TO <br /> QUICKLY IMPLEMENT SOME NEEDED POLICE <br /> REFORMS <br /> Councilmember Troy Warner, chair of the Health and Public Safety Committee,reported that they <br /> met this afternoon and send this bill to the full Council with a favorable recommendation. <br /> Councilmember Sheila Niezgodski, 4942 Scenic Drive, South Bend, IN, served as a presenter for <br /> this bill. Councilmember Sheila Niezgodski stated, Whereas, the South Bend Common Council <br /> continues to be both saddened and outraged at inequality and disparity in the use of force by many <br /> police departments which continues across the country resulting in death and injury to a <br /> disproportionate number of people of color;and,Whereas,on June 15,2020 Mayor James Mueller, <br /> Chief of Police Scott Ruszkowski and Michael Patton, the City's Diversity Compliance & <br /> Inclusion Officer, held a press conference to discuss racial justice in South Bend and the progress <br /> of local steps taken; and, Whereas, Mayor Mueller and/or Chief Ruszkowski each made <br /> commitments to quickly take steps to implement some necessary police reforms; and, <br /> Councilmember Rachel Tomas Morgan, 114 Chapin Street, South Bend, IN, served as a presenter <br /> for this bill. Councilmember Rachel Tomas Morgan stated, WHEREAS, among those steps are: <br /> releasing a revised police officer discipline matrix; releasing the recommendations for police <br /> reform made by 21 CP Solutions after the death of Eric Logan; and cooperation with the Common <br /> Council in the consideration and possible enactment of an ordinance creating a Citizens' Review <br /> Board; and, Whereas, although choke holds have not been taught during training of South Bend <br /> police officers,the Use of Force Policy will be amended to specifically forbid choke holds,strangle <br /> holds or similar moves;and,Whereas,these are just initial steps that can be taken quickly,adequate <br /> police reform will require much more through cooperation of the residents, the City <br /> Administration, the Police Department, the Common Council, and all other stakeholders. <br /> Councilmember Sharon L. McBride, 415 East Broadway Street, South Bend, IN, served as a <br /> presenter for this bill. Councilmember Sharon L. McBride stated, Now, therefore, be it resolved <br /> by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana,as follows: Section One(I)The South <br /> Bend Common Council hereby acknowledges and appreciates the initial commitments expressed <br /> at the press conference. Section Two (II)The South Bend Common Council seeks the cooperation <br /> of the City Administration, the Police Department, the residents, and all other stakeholders in <br /> exploring and implementing other needed police reforms. Section Three (III) This Common <br /> Council pledges to continue to explore and implement ways to make America's promise of <br /> 11 <br />