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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Clerk Jones replied, Right, that's a good idea. The Clerk's Office has that responsibility to make <br /> sure that they have as much information as possible so they can be as successful as possible. <br /> Councilmember Jake Teshka asked, On the dictation piece of it, the additional $12,000, that's a <br /> software, correct? <br /> Clerk Jones replied, Well, it's a software. It's an additional $2000 because it is a software that we <br /> use for particularly long meetings. <br /> Councilmember Teshka replied, Sure. <br /> Clerk Jones stated, The IT Department says they have more accurate programs than even what <br /> we're using now. What we're using now is REV and it's very accurate,but we are looking for even <br /> more accurate because we want to cut down on the time that everybody has to do minutes, <br /> particularly our Administrative Assistant and we want to cut that down. <br /> Councilmember Teshka stated, Sure. Thank you. <br /> Committee Chair White stated, Thank you for your presentation. The next presentation will be <br /> from Mayor Pete Buttigieg and the Mayor's Office. <br /> Mayor's Office <br /> Pete Buttigieg, Mayor of the City of South Bend with offices located on the 14th floor of the <br /> County-City Building, stated, Good afternoon. Thanks for the opportunity to be here. I know that <br /> my invitation is specific to the Mayor's Office, but I also just want to speak to all the work that's <br /> been going on and acknowledge and thank the Council for the work that's going on to make sure <br /> that we're getting as much community input and good deliberation as possible in the process, and <br /> I'm very thankful for all the hard work going into this. We've been talking for a good three (3) <br /> years now about what we do when we get to the 2020 budget,making sure we're being responsive <br /> to the fiscal constraints that are coming our way and, at the same time now,we're making sure that <br /> as we do that we're also lifting up the things that are so important in the community, including <br /> heightened interest and sensitivity on supporting neighborhoods that need support, and on making <br /> sure that we're setting ourselves up for success on public safety. I think we're on track to deliver <br /> something that we can be proud of, and I just want to thank everybody who's been part of the <br /> process to date. So, having said that, let me specifically go over the major highlights and the new <br /> news when it comes to what we're putting forward for the budget so that the next Mayor will be <br /> off to a great start. <br /> He continued, What you'll see in the overall scheme of things is a relatively modest expense <br /> increase, five percent (5%), but I want to get into some of the details of that because there's a <br /> bigger increase than you might think in what we're trying to do staff-wise. It is offset by some <br /> improvements just based on accounting through allocation, so I'll make sure I'm being as <br /> transparent about that as possible. There's one (1) position where we contemplate a salary cap <br /> increase and that is the Chief of Staff to the Mayor. <br /> He went on,You will recall that when this Administration first(1st) came in, in 2012, we went for <br /> a mid-year appropriation in order to adjust salaries to help us with recruiting and retaining the right <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION j INCLUSION j EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 5 <br />