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CITY OFSOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Committeemember Regina Williams-Preston arrived at the meeting at 6:16 p.m. <br /> Harvey Mills, South Bend President of the Fraternal Order of Police with offices located at 2518 <br /> Benedict Avenue, stated, I along with Eli have some issues with this proposal with the public <br /> safety initiative. It's been tried and has failed before. Fort Wayne's had it, tried and failed. Other <br /> cities have had it, tried and failed. I think it's a waste of money. It's another almost six (6) digit <br /> director we're adding to the Mayor's Office, where we can spend that half a million dollars on the <br /> communities that are suffering from all these violent acts we've been seeing lately.A half a million <br /> dollars would certainly go a long way toward those communities. So as far as I'm concerned, that <br /> public safety director is a poor idea. Thank you. <br /> Committee Chair White stated, All your questions will be answered and they will also be placed <br /> on the website as well. I ask that you continue to look through all the budget presentations and we <br /> will be receiving input as we move forward. Thank you. I appreciate that. <br /> Committeemember Broden stated, So just for clarification, additional information. I made an <br /> assumption that with the$350,000 I think that was tucked in here on the special initiatives, I made <br /> the assumption that there would be a formal grant process with that,that applicants would have an <br /> ability to propose their program, the cost over time goals, etcetera. If we could get some <br /> clarification if that's the intent or not. And that might be to Mr. Cantu's concepts. My last question <br /> is conceptually I would like to know if we are centralizing some past functions and then project <br /> management is kind of what I'm thinking in my mind in terms of this position and I've heard words <br /> like coordination, communication, helping with prioritization, you know, going forward on <br /> homeless initiatives and probably as new things come along kind of being that filter. But if we're <br /> pulling that off and separating it from the existing capabilities that are occurring within the office, <br /> I guess I'd like to know sort of what gets freed up or what gets more attention with the balance of <br /> time, you know with the new goals and objectives for the balance of the office. I know that's <br /> probably tough to quantify or to answer given the transition that we know will be coming. But I <br /> want to have a sense of what gets elevated of either the current programs or what else, what kind <br /> of time is freed up with any of these point persons that are and have historically been in charge of <br /> projects. You know, does this create fifteen percent (15%) vacancy? You know, to take on new <br /> things or to do current things better, build capacity, etcetera. I think I'd like to wrap my brain <br /> around that. <br /> Councilmember Dr. Davis asked, How does this position with the coordination differ from some <br /> of the things that Miss Cherri Peate has done? Because I thought a lot of the coordination Miss <br /> Pete's been doing in the community regarding those kinds of programs. And then she didn't have <br /> all the Police and Fire issues but then back to what the FOP president just stated,what were helping <br /> clarify, what's the difference of what she's done? <br /> Committee Chair White stated,There are some questions that we need to have in writing,but there <br /> are some you could clarify right now. But I guess the one(1)that deals with especially that question <br /> that Committeemember Broden asked in regards to what will be shifting within the office, if you <br /> know, additional work is going towards the new position. What does that free up and what does <br /> that look like?But in terms of the question that Councilmember Dr. Oliver Davis asked,you know, <br /> looking at the new proposed position and the current position that Cherri Peate holds, I mean it <br /> looks like that there is some overlapping. <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 13 <br />