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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> • <br /> feedback loop that I am passionate about building here in the City is around building a new survey, <br /> internal survey for department heads and for divisions heads here in the City that's actually built <br /> into the budget process for Innovation and Technology. So that looks like fourth (4th) quarter of <br /> every year distributing the survey internally, gauging everyone's needs around technology, <br /> software, data management and general technology needs. Working with departments and then <br /> building that into the strategic process around allocations and the budget creation process. And <br /> then also just because we are an allocation department and we are a centralized department as well, <br /> building in more reporting for those feedback loops. Just as Admin and Finance provides some of <br /> their reports, we will start providing monthly reports for Innovation and technology as well. We <br /> will share our portfolio with the Council,with department heads, with division heads and also just <br /> give general high-level updates just to keep people informed about the work we're doing and some <br /> of the main projects we're working on. <br /> She continued, The fourth (4th) departmental goal is facilitating equitable inclusive employment <br /> in technology to residents. So, one(1) of the key initiatives in this pillar is the Life-long Learning <br /> Program that's been brought into the City of South Bend. So, this program is actually an <br /> opportunity to digitize key programs here in the City, one(1)being South Bend Pathways. It's just <br /> a nice opportunity to make sure that we're leveraging technology for departmental programs that <br /> make a difference for residents. Another key pillar of this goal is the digital 3-1-1 service portal <br /> again. We want to make sure, again, it's not only user friendly the fact it's deployed inclusively <br /> with residents and that it's easy to use and that we're putting the word out. We see this project not <br /> only as saving money but also a way for more residents to be involved in making South Bend <br /> better. So,this(referencing a slide in the presentation)is our 2020 budget overview.There are just <br /> a few things I wanted to bring to light. We have an increase in our supplies budget. Part of this is <br /> a re-classification of the supplies category that I believe Admin and Finance supplied to this budget <br /> cycle. For instance, mice and equipment were originally being classified as services and now <br /> they're being classified as supplies.The debt service increase can really be accounted for from new <br /> printers and HP leases that the department procured. The other expenses, that big line-item there, <br /> just a few things to bring to light, that's in there. That includes all the software implementations <br /> that we do, user licenses and so forth. Transfers out, the $600,000 line-item there on the transfers <br /> out category accounts for supporting the DFO, the Dynamics for Finances and Operations for the <br /> ERP implementation here in the City. <br /> She went on, And just at a high level, too, under operating expenditures, we're about $7.4 million <br /> this year compared to $8.3 million last year. As Dan mentioned before, we are approaching the <br /> Fiscal Curb and given that our department touches all other departments,we did want to make sure <br /> that we were decreasing allocations as much as we could. A few other things to call out in our <br /> operating budget, in addition to calling out some of the major reductions we made in the budget, <br /> we cut our professional services budget $240,000. We reduced travel and training. We also cut a <br /> Wi-Fi expansion. Again, this is all just ahead of the Fiscal Curb. We need to focus chiefly on our <br /> main four (4) departmental priorities. The new larger line-item in our budget of course is the city <br /> works implementation. And I spoke about that briefly when we discussed goals. And I also wanted <br /> to note that in addition to those operational cuts, we also, because of delayed implementation in <br /> previous years, Innovation and Technology has a reserve fund that we're spending down now to <br /> reduce allocation to departments in 2020. There are a few personnel asks in light of the reductions <br /> in professional services and some of the specific departmental goals that we hope to accomplish <br /> in 2020 around software implementation and support. We're proposing a raise for our Application <br /> Director and Application Developer position. So, this salary cap increase we are hoping will give <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY j INNOVATION INCLUSION ; EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TfD 574.235.5567 <br /> 3 <br />