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•CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> little bit later in the overview, as well as Denise is here to talk about it tonight and in more detail. <br /> But we are really trying to make sure that those allocations are controlled as they go out to the <br /> different departments. And then finally debt proceeds,just to highlight this as well. Debt proceeds <br /> looks like a fairly substantial increase from a percentage perspective. We did not budget for very <br /> much debt in 2019. And in 2020 we are not anticipating issuing any bonds and are not budgeting <br /> for issuing any bonds. That $4.3 million for debt proceeds is all capital leases. So actually, <br /> borrowing money to fund capital projects, things like vehicles, equipment, those kinds of things. <br /> He continued, Getting into a little bit more about the 2020 budget. One (1) of the things that I <br /> didn't mention but you guys probably all noticed is that in the 2020 budget the bottom line,revenue <br /> in excess of expenditures is about a$10.4 million deficit for 2020. First(1st) thing to note on that <br /> is it is less than our 2019 budget deficit of$32 million and there are good reasons why that deficit <br /> exists that we will get into now. The 2020 budget, it's important to realize it is balanced in what <br /> we call our General Plus Funds,which is our General Fund and our income tax funds. So,we have <br /> a balanced budget in those funds which drive the majority of the operations for governmental types <br /> of activities. So, it's really important that we have a balanced budget in there. So, the question <br /> logically becomes where did that $10.4 million deficit come from? And it's really largely driven <br /> byfour (4) things. There's a capital spend in reserve from wastewater. So that accounts for $3.4 <br /> p p <br /> million of that deficit. So,intentionally recognizing that we don't need to issue debt to fund capital <br /> in every instance. There are instances where it makes sense to fund capital investment from <br /> reserves. And we believe this is one (1) of those instances. So, we're going to spend down a little <br /> bit of our reserve on the capital waste water side. And then a targeted spend down of reserves in <br /> internal service funds. So, internal service funds are funds that serve the government, so, things <br /> like Central Services that are taking care of our vehicles, and our radio, print jobs, those kinds of <br /> things. Things like our health insurance fund. So, the fund that pays for employee medical costs <br /> on our health insurance. Funds that serve the internal government largely, and this is not true in <br /> every case, but largely it doesn't make sense to carry a large balance in those funds. There's no <br /> need necessarily to carry a large balance because the general rule of internal service funds is that <br /> you're going to allocate those costs out to all the departments. <br /> He went on, So, our health insurance for example is going to receive revenue unless we do some <br /> things like we did this year, and we'll talk about that. It's going to receive revenue equal to its <br /> expenditures every year because we're going to allocate all the costs of that fund out to the <br /> departments. So, the departments are going to reimburse the fund for its total cost. So, it makes <br /> sense to keep a certain amount of money in there in case costs are higher than we anticipate they <br /> will be, but there's no real need to keep a large balance in there. And over the past several years <br /> because costs have actually been lower than we anticipated, the balance in those funds has been <br /> growing. So,there's a good reason to actually spend down those Funds and get their cash balances <br /> more to where we would want them to be and not take that money from the departments in the <br /> current year. That's probably the biggest portion of that $4.3 million driving that $10.4 million <br /> deficit. So, those top two (2) items on there are very intentional decisions that the Administration <br /> made to try and make sure that we are making the best use of our cash on hand and not issuing <br /> debt when it's not necessary. The bottom two (2) are things that the Administration in better times <br /> maybe would not have entered into but revenue challenges are requiring us to spend down reserves <br /> in street maintenance funds and solid waste operations. Street maintenance funds, Laura just <br /> mentioned that we are transferring more money into our road maintenance funds- Motor Vehicle <br /> Highway and Local Roads and Streets- in 2020 than we did in 2019. <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD574.235.5567 <br /> 5 <br />