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ZONING AND ANNEXATION SEPTEMBER 10,2012 <br /> 3:30 P.M. <br /> Committee Members Present: Oliver Davis, Dr. Fred Ferlic, <br /> Dr. David Varner, Gavin Ferlic <br /> Other Council Members Present: Tim Scott,Henry Davis, Valerie Schey, <br /> Derek Dieter <br /> Others Present: Mike Schmuhl, Tim Sexton,Mark Lyons, <br /> Gary Gilot, Jitin Cain, Kevin Allen, <br /> Christa Nayder, Rich Deahl, <br /> Dick Nussbaum, Mark Neal, Scott Ford, <br /> Eric Ford, Catherine Hostetler <br /> Agenda: Bill No. 32-12—Rezone 1441 N. Michigan <br /> Bill No. 33-12—Rezone ROW 1441 N. Michigan <br /> Bill No. 43-12—Rezone 709-711 LWW <br /> Bill No. 12-65 —Special Exception 1124-1140 Napier <br /> Bill No. 12-66—Howard Park Plan <br /> Bill Nos. 32-12 and 33-12 <br /> Chairperson Oliver Davis opened the meeting noting a full quorum. He called upon <br /> Christa Nayder to describe the purpose of Bill Nos. 32-12 and 33-12. Christa requested <br /> that the committee consider both bills in that-they both relate to the old St. Joe High <br /> School property at 1441 N. Michigan. With the request allowed, she proceeded to <br /> explain the rezoning request needed to allow the proposed use of the property. She went <br /> on to report the Area Plan Commission favorable recommendation for both. <br /> Next Attorney's Rich Deahl and Dick Nussbaum along with Tim Sexton representing <br /> Notre Dame described the proposed use of the building. They said the classroom space <br /> could be utilized as temporary class space or offices for those displaced by construction <br /> projects ongoing at Holy Cross College and Notre Dame. The space might also house <br /> incubator businesses from Innovation Park needing more space. <br /> During Council questions Derek Dieter asked about the old railroad right-of-way. Gary <br /> Gilot responded saying the ROW could be used for a rails to trails project and for new <br /> sewer line construction. <br /> Council Attorney Kathy Cekanski-Farrand indicated both bills were substitutes. <br /> After all questions were answered Gavin Ferlic motioned the sub bills go to Council <br /> favorably. Councilmember Dr. David Varner seconded and all supported. <br />