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,~an~ary ~ 8f ~0~~ Public UVork and property Vacation Cor~mitt~a I~~eting Minutes <br />gage 3 <br />council President Rouse stated that he likes the overall project but believes that further <br />discussion will have to take place, especially with regard to the proposed timeline in <br />light of council projects currently on the table. <br />l~llr. flat Hated that the projected savings per month are g,000g, which should be <br />taken into consideration. He then reviewed the ~=steps in the first handout regarding <br />proposed implementation, Hating that the first step i the council resolution. <br />Dr, Verner suggested that 1Ir. ~ilat's one-page handwritten which he had given to hirn <br />be provided to the entire Council. l~le also suggested Chet Assistant City Attorney <br />'homas draft the initial resolution referenced in the "Nest steps to lrnplement <br />Guaranteed Energy having contract for LED Lights' and send the draft to the Council <br />Attorney far her input and discussion, lie added that the REC~s would also be sent to <br />the businesses listed in an attachment to the Council Attornyf memorandum. <br />ll~lr, ilat Hated that the percentages set forkh in Attachment ~ ~`Evaluatian Criteria's were <br />thane recon~n~ended by his department. <br />In response to questions f rom Dr~ Varner, ll~r, ilvt noted that there is at least one ~~ ~ <br />company locally who has experience in this area. <br />In response to a question from auncil lUler~ber Pu~~ello, ll~r~ ilat noted that LEDs <br />have been around since the 9~'O. <br />Council I~ernber l~irsits suggested that as a part of this project that there be a complete <br />base inspection of all traffic lights, Hating that many have e~cposed wires which are a <br />safety issue. <br />Dr, Varner asked far participants for the project and Hated that further discussion could <br />take place at 11~anday' Can~n~~ttee Ille Vtingr <br />council lUler~ber Pfeifer_requested awritten list of ideas which the Department of Public <br />IlVorks is considering far this year sa that the council has a "heads up" <br />'here being na fu~kher business to came before the Camr~ittee, Dr~ darner adjourned <br />the meeting at fi:0~ p.m. <br />respectfully subrr~ittd, <br />Council Member David Varner, Chairperson <br />Public Vllorl~s and Property Vacation Committee <br />Attachments <br />