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,~anuary 8F ~O~l Public 1~Vcrk end P~cperty Vaca~ian ~mmit~ee Meet~~g Minutes <br />Page ~ <br />[n response to ~ question from Caunci[ Member ~Ilhite, Mr. pilot noted that replacement <br />bulbs may b a part of the package, Savings ~rhich ~vauld be generated could be <br />placed into a dedicated sinking fund. <br />ll1[ response to a question from Council Member Puzzello, Mr. Ci[ot noted that the cast <br />per LED is much more expensive than the incandescent lights currently util~ed, but that <br />the energy savings and LED life of ten ~ 0}years is post-savings in the long run. <br />Robert Nichols then highlighted the entitled "City Maintained Traffic Signals„ <br />attached} noting that currently there are 1 ~ South Bend LEDs, ~ South Bend non- <br />LEDs, 4b State LEDs, and ~ State non-LEDs, <br />Mr. pilot noted that the post of the conversion is projected to be ~ . million, noting that <br />of the City of Evansville is the only Indiana city ~rhich has utilised guaranteed energy <br />savings contracts for LEDs He noted that in the Council Attorney's emarandurn she <br />highlighted that M. Catherine Fanello utilised guaranteed energy savings contracts in <br />'Vandenburgh County ~rhen she uwras a County Commissioner. He added that labor <br />savings cannot be counted. 9g~1~ of the labor currently used to change bulbs u~rould be <br />directed into other public ~rarks projects. <br />Mr. ilot and Mr~ [Nichols then revie~red the multi~page handout beginning ~vith the <br />request for qualifications ~capy attached}. He recommended that Professor Doug Hall <br />be considered to be included in the process since his class has been involued. <br />In response to a question from Dr. 'Varner, Mr. pilot noted that the savings are based <br />an the therrr~s of energy used, vuith therms being the energy use n~easurer~ent vuhich <br />v~ould be used. <br />In response to a question from Council Member Pfeifer, Mr, pilot noted that intersection <br />lights v~ould keep operating v~here there eras a battery backup installed for up to four <br />~4} hours. <br />Mr. Cilot stated that fife cycle casting aver a ten ~~ ~} year period could be 4.~ million. <br />The ~~°l~ projected savings v~auld be 3.75 minion. The conversion project ~rould <br />utilise a private lease capital repaid out of the energy savings. Any energy savings <br />shortfall from tl~ terms of the guaranteed contracts ~rould require the contractor to <br />Trite a check to the City of South Bend for the difference. <br />- The Council Attorney noted that the proposed schedule Attachment B} ~rould have tv <br />b rnadified along Frith the other documents referencing specific dates since the next <br />regular Carnn~on Council meeting fallauving next Monday's meeting ~rould be February <br />