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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Upcoming events and collaborations, some of our team is here, some community partners will be <br /> hosting a fair at the O'Brien Center on July 18th. So, mark your calendars for that. We are also <br /> looking forward to the quarter three (3) roundtable with the NRC in August. The NRC will be <br /> hosting an official reception for Dr. Milon on July 30th, so, you'll want to mark you calendars for <br /> that. We also have cake and finger foods outside here when you are finished up with your final <br /> Committees and meet Dr. Milon. <br /> She went on, In ways that you might be able to help, we need a lot of help, still, on the Fund <br /> development piece. So, we are still fundraising and looking at ways. Dr. Milon outlined what her <br /> philosophy is and that is engagement focused on intangibles as well as tangibles. We also want to <br /> get some capacity on the Board to make sure we are pushing that forward. We need an attorney, <br /> we need an accountant,we need Council Members, so basically anyone who wants to help.We've <br /> had some support from Councilmember Teshka in the way of organizing some outside residents <br /> around neighborhood associations. You guys are probably more familiar with folks in spaces <br /> where we don't have associations. How do we generate interest in those areas? We need a lot of <br /> support and engagement in that way from you all. <br /> Committee Chair White requested a list of current active and inactive neighborhood associations <br /> and Ms. Aldridge obliged. <br /> Ms. Aldridge continued, And then finally, as you mentioned, the Youth Council Planning <br /> Committee. We are moving forward and trying to answer those big questions. What is the <br /> Council's role? How will our team support this? We need to define what it will look like, even <br /> what it will be called, moving forward. So, save those dates. If you have any leads on Fund <br /> development or people who want to be on the Board, or if you know folks who might have an <br /> interest in neighborhoods, please send them Dr. Milon's way. <br /> Committee Chair White stated, I do know that this current Committee will be looking forward to <br /> pooling together targeted neighborhood associations. Based on what we've heard the last four(4) <br /> to five (5) months, there is a clear call for the Council and the Administration to look at ways to <br /> begin to address some of the needs in those areas and neighborhoods that need additional support. <br /> We will be going out and having those meetings. I will say that as you look at partners, not only <br /> this Council,but this Committee should be involved so that you know what we are doing, and we <br /> can see how we can work together. That is information we need, and I think that is so important. I <br /> like what Dr. Milon said that when we begin to look at a vision, we have to make sure that those <br /> individuals impacted have an opportunity to be empowered. The way you do that, you talk to and <br /> listen to them. Then, you begin to move forward. I think that is critical as we move forward. I <br /> appreciate the presentation. <br /> Committee Chair White opened the floor to questions and comments from Committee and Council <br /> Members. <br /> Committeemember Sharon L. McBride stated, I think this is good information and I'm excited for <br /> us to continue collaborating together. I've been fortunate enough to have active neighborhood <br /> associations in the third (3rd) district, but I know one (1) of them is inactive or hanging on by a <br /> thread. Having that partnership and getting them engaged and at the table, we have a meeting <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1 227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 I p 574.235.92211f574.235.9173 i I 11)574.235.5567 <br /> 5 <br />