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REGULAR MEETING June 10, 2019 <br /> Mr. Sparks replied, Thank you. <br /> Council President Tim Scott stated, Please proceed. <br /> Mr. Sparks stated, Thank you, Mr. President. The property in question today is located at 3109 <br /> South Gertrude Avenue. Pursuant to the South Bend Municipal Code, it is under the jurisdiction <br /> of the Ordinance Violations Bureau to annually process the scrap metal and junk dealer's licenses. <br /> We had a resolution approving a majority of them a few meetings ago, and we had one (1) <br /> remaining one (1) that took some time. This is a new owner of a property that has had a <br /> longstanding license formally under the name of Steve and Gene's Auto. The property is in the <br /> sixth (6th) Common Council District,just south of Rum Village Park. The property does not have <br /> any outstanding issues or former violations.The delay in approving this license was a complication <br /> with the transfer of ownership from Steve and Gene's to what is now called 1St Choice Towing. <br /> The property has passed Fire, Police and Code inspections. The Fire Department has inspected the <br /> building and it should not be used as office space as it is currently configured.The applicant intends <br /> on razing the structure. If you have any questions, I defer to my colleagues and, or,the Committee <br /> Meeting minutes that I will be completing later. I yield my time. Thank you, Mr. President. <br /> This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and <br /> opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. There were none. <br /> Councilmember Karen White made a motion to adopt Bill No. 19-40. Councilmember Dr. Oliver <br /> Davis seconded this motion which carried by a roll call vote of eight (8) ayes. <br /> 19-41 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL <br /> OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br /> AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 4710-18 TO <br /> INCLUDE A DOCUMENT EXTENDING AND <br /> AMENDING THE 2017 HUMAN RIGHTS <br /> INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE <br /> COUNTY OF ST. JOSEPH <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden,chair of the Health and Public Safety Committee,reported that they <br /> met this afternoon and send this bill forward with a favorable recommendation. <br /> Aladean DeRose, City Attorney for the City of South Bend with offices located on the 12th floor <br /> of the County-City Building, South Bend, IN, served as the presenter for this bill. Ms. DeRose <br /> stated, I'm here to request the Council approves this resolution which concerns the interlocal <br /> agreement between the South Bend Human Rights Commission and the County of St. Joseph, to <br /> enforce the County's Human Rights Law. That Law was passed in 2017 and is substantially <br /> equivalent to that of the City's. At the time the County Council passed the Ordinance, it did not <br /> have an enforcement body. So, about nine(9)months later in September, the County and the City <br /> entered an agreement by which the City enforces the County's Human Rights Ordinance.That was <br /> later continued through 2018, under Resolution 4710-18, but omitted from that resolution was a <br /> document that allows the continuance of the interlocal agreement indefinitely, from year to year, <br /> based upon the County Council's appropriation of funds for the City's services provided in the <br /> interlocal agreement. At the time we were before the Council in April 2018, the County hadn't <br /> begun its 2019 budget process. It did do that and appropriated the funds and,in Exhibit A-One(1), <br /> the City can continue its services to the County on an indefinite basis, as long as there is an <br /> agreement regarding funding. <br /> Councilmember Dr. Oliver Davis stated, Sorry I wasn't at the afternoon part. In terms of the <br /> County fees for this, in the future, how would we go about raising those fees? <br /> Ms. DeRose replied, That's an annual process. That is the purpose of Exhibit A-One (1). The <br /> County and the City need to sit down and discuss the numbers of the actual work that has been <br /> done. If there is a need to increase it, we will discuss that. At this time, we don't see the need for <br /> that. <br /> Councilmember Dr. Oliver Davis followed up, And then we will make that recommendation to <br /> them? <br /> 5 <br />