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REGULAR MEETING April 22, 2019 <br /> standpoint. Expressly, as a part of the process, we tied in one (1) of our lead Council Members, <br /> and I'm sorry, not to offend anyone, but Councilmember Karen White. She has been a strong <br /> proponent, is robust and interactive with our budget process for the Council on an annual basis. <br /> She is the chair of the Personnel and Finance Committee. Thank you, Councilmember White. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden went on,Those statements are to highlight Councilmember White's <br /> strong leadership but in no way diminish the work of anyone to my left, or right, or the members <br /> who are not present tonight. Everyone lifts hard on this Council and the budget process, which we <br /> will be kicking off come July, will be over fifteen (15) to twenty (20) meetings that we all sit in <br /> and make sure that our tax dollars are spent in wise ways. Going further on in the Whereas, it was <br /> important for us to include the opportunities that can be presented by taking climate action.Climate <br /> action provides opportunities for South Bend to improve our air quality, mobility, public health, <br /> social equity, energy independence and energy security, and the quality of our natural <br /> environment; it also can serve to attract jobs and economic development opportunity and increase <br /> long-term competitiveness. Action on climate change supports the development of a livable, <br /> sustainable City with a strong economy and high quality of life. Action can also improve resilience <br /> in the face of climate change and other challenges. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden continued, The resolution then goes into the past actions of our <br /> Mayors, our Office of Sustainability and the Council. Then, as we jump to section twelve(12), we <br /> actually acknowledge, almost a year ago to the date, Mayor Pete Buttigieg signed the Global <br /> Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, pledging us to implement policies and to undertake <br /> measures to reduce and limit greenhouse emissions, to prepare for the impacts of climate change, <br /> to increase access to sustainable energy, and to track progress of these policies and measures in <br /> meeting or exceeding the Paris Agreement objectives. So, our pathway has been long and I'm <br /> excited tonight, as a Council, to put forth this resolution. I do want to recognize a member in <br /> tonight's audience. The Council Member that brought this to my attention, over fourteen (14) <br /> maybe fifteen(15)months ago, Randy Kelly. Please stand up. Thank you very much. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden went on,Now what we will do is just kick into the heart of tonight's <br /> resolution, beginning with Councilmember White. <br /> Councilmember Karen White, 1912 Malvern Way, South Bend, IN, served as a presenter for this <br /> bill. Councilmember Karen White stated, Before I read the resolution into the record, I would like <br /> to thank Councilmember Broden for doing the heavy lifting. She's done an amazing job and the <br /> other Council Members as well. I really like the statement you made. Working together, we can <br /> bring about change. I think this is an excellent example of a number of individuals, from various <br /> walks of life, coming together to work on this critical issue. I started my journey in regard to <br /> becoming more aware and involved in this about a year ago. I was invited to go to the Robinson <br /> Center. A group of young individuals did that presentation and I left that meeting energized and <br /> overwhelmed. I want to give all the young people a round of applause. The future of South Bend <br /> is in good hands. Now, I'll read the Resolve portions. <br /> Councilmember Karen White continued, Therefore, be it resolved the South Bend Common <br /> Council hereby supports the City Administration's current Q-Two (2)/Q-Three(3) 2019 initiative <br /> to develop a climate action plan that: specifies climate actions most impactful in South Bend, <br /> identifies ambitious but achievable greenhouse gas reduction goals customized to South Bend, <br /> includes both immediate internal actions and longer-term programs and policies, and outlines <br /> appropriate timelines for implementing the specific climate actions and achieving the greenhouse <br /> gas reductions; and, Therefore,be it resolved,the South Bend Common Council requests this plan <br /> be completed by the Fall of 2019, and the Administration's planning process include appropriate <br /> stakeholder feedback, consider Council and Administration priorities, including but not limited to <br /> opportunities for climate action to increase social equity, maximizing benefits and minimizing <br /> impacts on individuals and businesses; and consideration of any action through the lens of the <br /> "triple bottom line." This approach posits we can slow the pace of climate change in ways that <br /> save money,build a better quality of life for our residents, and drive economic growth. <br /> Councilmember Jake Teshka, 2419 Chesire Drive, South Bend, IN, served as a presenter for this <br /> bill. Councilmember Jake Teshka stated, Therefore, be it resolved, and to this end of triple net <br /> returns, the South Bend Common Council will look to support the Administration's current and <br /> 6 <br />