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REGULAR MEETING April 22, 2019 <br /> CITY OF SOUTH BEND AND TO SUPPORT <br /> OTHER CLIMATE RELATED INITIATIVES. <br /> Councilmember Jo M.Broden,chair of the Health and Public Safety Committee,reported that they <br /> met this afternoon and send this bill forward with a favorable recommendation. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden,201 West North Shore Drive,South Bend, IN,served as a presenter <br /> for this bill. Councilmember Jo M. Broden stated, Members of the Council, South Bend <br /> community members gathered here today, first (1st) and foremost, Happy Earth Day! As part of <br /> our presentation, we thought it might be helpful to give a high-level overview of the flow of the <br /> legislation we are considering tonight as a Council, on your behalf as a community. However, <br /> before I go into that, the folks who will help me with that are the two (2) Council Members that <br /> are co-sponsors. I do want to acknowledge it has been truly collaborative, on behalf of the Council <br /> and the community as a whole. Within the public record, here forever more, for the City of South <br /> Bend, on the cover of this resolution is a cover letter that actually expressly calls out individuals <br /> who were very instrumental in the process. So, you know who you are. In the interest of time, I'm <br /> not going to read all of those out, but I would ask you to stand up if you have been part of the <br /> collaborative effort to bring this forward to the Council tonight. Thank you very much. Without <br /> your support and input, we would not be here at this point tonight. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden continued, Also, just a couple things to point out, the resolution <br /> itself is very long. It is considerably long for most resolutions this Council passes. It is so because <br /> we wanted it to be educational as to the science of climate change, the impacts for our community <br /> and in response to lifting up the global call to action in reducing carbon emissions. Secondly, we <br /> wanted to recognize the various efforts that have happened already in our community relative to <br /> this issue and the pathway has been rich in terms of the Administration's leadership, both under <br /> Mayor Pete Buttigieg and also Mayor Steve Luecke, as noted in the resolution, and then most <br /> actively under the Office of Sustainability. Therese Dorau,please stand up.Thank you,very much. <br /> One (1) of our primary hopes as sponsors, co-sponsors, and as we support this tonight, we want <br /> this to be a model and a pathway for other communities throughout Indiana and the region to look <br /> to our process. The educational process frontloaded this. There was also an informed collaborative <br /> effort between our science community, institutions, our academic institutions, the work of the <br /> Council and the work of the Administration. Working together, we can make change. In response <br /> to the young individuals, working together, we can drive and make change. So, thank you very <br /> much. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden went on, So, just a very high-level road trip, very briefly, if you <br /> would indulge me. The first (1st) two (2) sections of this resolution, the Whereas statements, first <br /> (1st) deal with the science of climate change. The third (31'1) and fourth (4th) deal with the impacts <br /> of climate change. Those are both global and then also here at the South Bend level, informed by <br /> Indiana University, Purdue University and the University of Notre Dame. So, our local experts <br /> helping us and informing us as a Council and working with us as a community to move this <br /> forward. The fifth(5th) section, I do want to emphasize this,this will be the only section that I will <br /> read from the Whereas statements. Later on, my co-sponsors will be reading the Resolve sections <br /> but the fifth (5th) section: Whereas, these and other impacts will not be equally distributed; <br /> communities that already face socioeconomic and health inequities, whether around the world or <br /> here in our community, will be most severely impacted, including youth, seniors, people of color, <br /> and low-income populations. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden continued, I wanted to highlight that. As a Council, we are aware <br /> of that and, as we move forward on subsequent actions, that will be foremost in our mind. The <br /> sixth (6th) and seventh (7th) sections address the primary duties of cities and their primary role in <br /> ensuring public health, safety and welfare of our residents, both now and in future generations. <br /> Cities are uniquely empowered with our ability to directly influence activities that impact climate <br /> such as energy use in homes, our buildings, transportation network and promoting sustainable <br /> development. I'm going to go back,just quickly,the resolution,the next section deals with the two <br /> (2) joint Committee hearings. I want to expressly thank Councilmember Teshka who chairs the <br /> Utilities Committee, he had a willingness to get on this early and really lift this up. In my tenure, <br /> that is the first (1st) time we really ever had a joint Committee. I think in some ways we elevated <br /> it by looking at it both from a Health and Public Safety standpoint but also from a Utilities <br /> 5 <br />