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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> repair and things like that. Because of the light brought onto the issue, the department chose to <br /> actually create a division that is really focused on equity and looking at those issues. So, we will <br /> continue to work with that particular division to sort of move some of these things forward. These <br /> (referencing a copy of the 2018 Annual Report of the Community Relations Committee which is <br /> available in the City Clerk's Office) are the things we have been doing. As I mentioned, the <br /> housing. As, we had convened around reducing violence by building peace. So, we looked at <br /> partnering with peace keeping organizations as well as South Bend Schools around circles. There <br /> is currently a proposal being developed that will come before us. I imagine, at some point, we will <br /> think of how we can further that by connecting with schools and do more circles in the community. <br /> Again, the concept is in-reach. How can we prevent some of these issues before they escalate and <br /> get to a place of violence? So, that is a different approach. We have to work with the community <br /> to do our part and not just rely on police. <br /> She continued, The war on litter, jumping down to that, we are partnering with the NRC, Code <br /> Enforcement and the Department of Community Investment. That kind of dovetails with Love <br /> Your Block. So, we are looking at going into the communities and not just fixing up homes but <br /> also cleaning up the area with the residents. Coming up, we are looking toward, and we have the <br /> bill tonight,rental safety inspections. One(1) of the things we hope to do is to begin a partnership <br /> that includes tenants and having a tenant's rights organization. We also want to include <br /> homeowners, landlords and the City to see how we can work together and find proactive <br /> approaches to some of the issues we are having with unsafe housing conditions, all while trying to <br /> make sure things can remain affordable. <br /> She went on, One (1) of the bigger things I'll mention is with regards to education. We've done <br /> the Toys for Tots. So, the concept is using our relationships with the City to encourage people to <br /> donate toys that encourage early literacy in kids.Also,one(1)of the other things is the book series. <br /> We are partnering with the Brain Lair. If you're not familiar with that, it is the multi-cultural <br /> bookstore. That is an amazing resource. I think the nearest multi-cultural bookstore is in Kokomo. <br /> We have one(1)right here. So,that is exciting, and we are partnering with them to actually capture <br /> our stories of people in the community. <br /> She continued, Also, specifically with education, I had mentioned this before, but it is really <br /> something I think we definitely need to get on, given the state of our public school system right <br /> now, but we need to nail down the compact agreement. The Schools are writing up some stuff,but <br /> they really aren't sharing or communicating with the City too much about it. So, we are going to <br /> be looking at how to best work with the schools and actually solidify that partnership in that <br /> compact agreement. Also, we are going to do a little investigation on the Commission on <br /> Education. The landscape of education in South Bend is rapidly changing. We've had new charter <br /> schools come in as well as a new high school being proposed. Frankly,people are really confused. <br /> So, how can we as the City be a resource for everyone including, most specifically parents, to <br /> understand what is happening in terms of education. <br /> Committee Chair Williams-Preston then opened the floor to Committee and Council Members. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott stated, I want to hit a couple things that were brought up here. One(1), <br /> the Committee is codified. So,the Committee is in Code and the description of what the Committee <br /> does is in the Code. So, for that to change, it would have to go through this Council and be voted <br /> on. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION I INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f574.235.9173 I 10574.235.5567 <br /> 2 <br />