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REGULAR MEETING February 25, 2019 <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis asked, When you go out to a property now, how is that different <br /> from a fee if you find out that they are not following? There are people getting fined right now, do <br /> you see what I'm saying? <br /> Ms. Skibins confirmed, Correct. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis asked, So, what? <br /> Ms. Skibins replied, There are other enforcement tools built into the RSVP such as an inspection <br /> warrant. So, right now, our hands are kind of tied with what we have available to us but with the <br /> RSVP, things could escalate all the way to an inspection warrant where we can get a warrant to <br /> actually go into the property and inspect if we need to. We don't have that right now. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis stated, That is what I wanted you to share. Thank you for the <br /> clarification. Thank you. I'm at peace. <br /> Councilmember Regina Williams-Preston asked, We've talked a lot about safe and healthy, safe <br /> and healthy. One (1) of the big things we are struggling with here is also affordability. Can you <br /> speak to what you've seen around the country in terms of how we can have all of that — safe, <br /> healthy and affordable. <br /> Ms. Norton replied, I can tell you that the data shows there is not a spike in rent increases. It does, <br /> over time, lower the maintenance cost for owners. Housing is more stabilized, and,in fact, we did <br /> a deep dive in my own city to see if there was any trend in vacancy. There was some concern from <br /> owners that they would abandon properties and leave because of the cost. That virtually didn't <br /> happen. We've replicated that in a number of cities. The net effect is, truly, the rates of lead <br /> poisoning go down, the rates of emergency department and hospital visits for asthma go down,the <br /> rates for injury issues also go down. The data shows that, and I would be happy to share that at <br /> some point in time with the community and Council. <br /> Councilmember Regina Williams-Preston interjected, I understand the healthy stuff, I just want to <br /> look at the affordability. So, what I'm hearing you say is that, in your experience, all over the <br /> country, when cities have implemented programs like this, you have not seen an increase in rental <br /> cost? <br /> Ms. Norton replied, Absolutely. There's been nothing that has caused a blip. Not only have we <br /> looked at that, but the US Department of Housing and Urban Development's Office or Lead <br /> Hazard Control and Healthy Housing has looked at this issue. Over the course of about twenty- <br /> five (25) years, the data is pretty steady. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden stated,I have a couple of follow-ups. So,one(1)of the components <br /> in the last section of this is monitoring the progress of the program. I think we spoke earlier about, <br /> and I don't know if you were at the Committee meeting, but, interest in making sure we capture <br /> metrics, right? You've been in this field for twenty-five (25) years, at minimum, and I guess I <br /> would like to know,perhaps,what type of metrics we can capture,as a community,before we even <br /> go to the first (1st) door? I'm thinking of being very intentional and very smart about that, right? <br /> Because, we want to know our hoped-for outcomes and if we are going to get those. Or, are we <br /> going to miss the mark? I'm interested because this is widespread through the State and the <br /> country. I think there are a lot of communities, but I'm interested in the ability to replicate and <br /> duplicate, right? So, what can other cities learn from us, what can we learn from other cities? I <br /> mean,it helps everybody,right? And then my last piece is just what metrics could lend themselves <br /> to advancing research or grant writing? Or, funding sources? I mean, I know those are loaded but <br /> that is something I would like. We are very responsible about what we choose to monitor and not <br /> monitor, and the data we keep or don't keep,but I do want to make sure we are aligning with some <br /> of these other long-standing programs that have been in place. So, I don't know if you could <br /> address that in a general way. I guess, are there model metrics? <br /> Ms.Norton replied, So,I'll start by saying the City of South Bend is starting an onboarding process <br /> to become a Green and Healthy Homes Initiative City. That standard and metric of becoming a <br /> Green and Healthy Homes Initiative City is a metric that was actually devised not just by our <br /> organization but the US Department of Housing and Urban Development as well as eleven (11) <br /> federal agencies between 2009 and today. That also includes the US Conference of Mayor's <br /> 31 <br />