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REGULAR MEETING February 25, 2019 <br /> City, regardless of whether or not that property is receiving a different private inspection or <br /> different government inspection. They have grounds to follow up on that complaint and enforce <br /> compliance. The other thing I would say is we've worked closely with the Housing Authority as <br /> we were putting this program together and the terms we've decided upon, the waiver properties, <br /> is that at the City's request, we can get a copy of any inspection report for a particular unit if it is <br /> necessary. So,we are not precluded from using the complaint-based process to go into any unit we <br /> receive a concern about. If we have particular concerns, independent of a tenant complaint, we <br /> have the authority to review the external inspection reports they have. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis interrupted, So,basically, the rationale, the best way to explain why <br /> the HUD programs were excluded, is what? <br /> Ms. Fritzberg replied, Because they receive private inspections. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis followed up, And so,because of the private inspections,that will be <br /> the ones and so, we will have that, we will have access to that if necessary? <br /> Ms. Fritzberg replied, Exactly. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis continued, And so, that way, we don't necessarily have to put that <br /> high priority. If they are still dealing with those kinds of matters, and they have not gotten them <br /> addressed,then we follow our complaints and we proceed with that kind of a situation. Is that what <br /> you're sharing from that standpoint? <br /> Ms. Fritzberg replied, Yes, it is. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis stated, Ok. And then the last thing about the fees. <br /> Councilmember Regina Williams-Preston interrupted, Before you move off of that, I would like <br /> to clarify one(1) more really important point about that. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis stated, Ok, go ahead. I'm at peace. Go ahead. <br /> Councilmember Regina Williams-Preston stated, The other thing that was really important there <br /> with the housing complexes is, what this ordinance does is if there is one (1) complaint, previous <br /> to this ordinance, we only had the ability to go into that one (1) place. They couldn't go into <br /> anywhere else. But with this ordinance, now, if it's a big housing complex, if we get one (1) <br /> complaint and we see problems, we now have the authority to look at other places. Am I correct? <br /> So, this starts to get at some of those issues <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis interjected,Ok, I'm glad I paused.There you go.This is what people <br /> have said. When we say we are excluding them, it gives the appearance, if we are not careful,that <br /> we are just letting them go. I know we are not,but I just wanted you to share this. So,on the record, <br /> and for people watching through Facebook or whatever, they can hear you say that those <br /> organizations of housing are not off the hook because of this. <br /> Ms. Fritzberg replied, Right, certainly not. And, I appreciate you giving me the chance to clarify <br /> that. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis interjected, Right, and so, the last part of it, with the fees, in terms <br /> of them getting fined, there is the argument that these kinds of fees are just another way of taxing <br /> people and that kind of thing. That argument about that. Could you just talk about how these fees <br /> and fines are needed? Can you justify those kinds of things? Could you clarify that? <br /> Ms. Skibins replied, These will not be assessed until the third (3rd) inspection. So, the first (1St) <br /> two (2) inspections will be at no cost at all to the owner of the property. It is not until after that <br /> where, if there are continued issues, the fees would then be assessed. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis followed up, And,talk about how that is different or similar to what <br /> we are doing right now so people can have that clarified. <br /> Ms. Skibins asked for clarification of the question. <br /> 30 <br />