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REGULAR MEETING February 25, 2019 <br /> areas for help. I do not think it should be in a residential area because of families and what might <br /> happen. I just oppose it. That's all I have to say. <br /> Brenda Raplogo, 2614 Cypress Way, South Bend, IN, stated, I live in Walnut Grove. I oppose the <br /> rezoning. I have my granddaughter,my daughter,my great-grandson that lives in those apartments <br /> right across. My granddaughter is special needs and she doesn't need to be surrounded with guys <br /> looking at her and trying to pick her up, or, you know. My grandkids don't need to be around it. It <br /> is a respectful area. I feel safe walking to their apartment. I don't know if I would feel safe in that <br /> area anymore if this comes to the area. I was hit and run on 26th Street because somebody sped <br /> past me at fifty(50)miles per hour. I had to pay for my car to get fixed. I just don't feel safe if that <br /> was there. I would just be worried about my grandkids, and my granddaughter and my great- <br /> grandson. I would hope you say no to the rezoning. <br /> The petitioners were then given five(5)minutes for rebuttal. <br /> Ms. Brown stated, Ladies and gentlemen,thank you so much. Patrick Gerrard is in attendance this <br /> evening,he will be doing the rebuttal. <br /> Patrick Gerrard, 121 Capital Avenue NE, Battle Creek, MI, stated, Good evening, Council and the <br /> City of South Bend. Thanks for having us. Yes, I've been here all evening. We've heard a lot of <br /> for and a lot of against here tonight. I, personally, understand the sensitive nature of what we are <br /> talking about. I know the Council does. I know these fine people from Walnut Grove Home <br /> Association understand our plight and what we are after, too. What we have to do, though, is find <br /> a way to meet in the middle, ok? I believe it can be accomplished. I believe under proper control, <br /> security and knowing what we know how to do, we know how to do it. With that, I was at their <br /> meeting last Thursday and I want to bring up some point here from various members of that <br /> association. A broken gate. That gate was broken. I told them last week when we were there, I put <br /> a lot of money into that gate. Brand new motors,mechanisms, sensors and everything. The gate is <br /> not broken. I can take anything you throw at me, but I need the facts. You've got to give me the <br /> fact. Some of the things we heard here were stretching the truth. The TIA Corporation. Yes, it is a <br /> for-profit corporation. Yes, it is in Battle Creek, Michigan. A foreign business? We're not from <br /> Mexico. We're not from Canada. Ok? A foreign business that is coming into this community that <br /> has been here for four(4) and a half years that wants to pump more dollars into here, it's not that <br /> I take offense being called a foreign business,but I think it's an incorrect term. Sex offenders.That <br /> came up, ok? They told us last week there were four(4) sex offenders in our program. I told them <br /> that was incorrect information. They asked me if that means the St. Joseph County Police website <br /> is lying and I said no, it is just incorrect data. And, I also know where they went. I was in the <br /> process of getting them off there. If you look at the website, none of them are on there. I did know <br /> where they went,ok?But they were not in our facility when we met with these folks last Thursday. <br /> I heard some other things. I'll build the fence if we have the money. I have no idea where that <br /> came from. I asked these people who came up and talked about noise. I asked them if they <br /> contacted the facility. Have you written a letter? Have you come over to knock on the door? They <br /> said no, so they called the police. We are there. We want to be community neighbors, folks. But, <br /> we need the information if we're not doing something correct in the neighborhood. I can't correct <br /> if I don't know what that is. We do know what it is, now. We are working on it. You will find it <br /> in your packet. As soon as the weather breaks, I want to build a privacy wall. We need to send our <br /> community outreach people deeper into this area where we are at and start asking what we can do <br /> better. There is nothing wrong with that. We are human. If there is something we are doing wrong <br /> that we can do better to become better community neighbors, in this area, we can do it. Speeding <br /> vans through Walnut Grove. I don't know what any of our people would be doing over in the <br /> Walnut Grove Neighborhood Association. Our business is on the entirely different side of the road. <br /> The clients that are going to be there are not going to have cars. The two(2)or three(3) staff there, <br /> yes, they will have their cars in the parking lot. Once again, I was thinking about a privacy fence <br /> both ways, especially for the dentist next door. With that, I want to thank the Council and the City, <br /> again, for your time. I know it is a sensitive subject, ok? We know we can do this. I would really <br /> like to request the approval from the City Council on this fight. Thank you. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott made a motion to continue Bill No. 69-18 to the Council Portion only <br /> in the March 11th, 2019 meeting of the South Bend Common Council. Councilmember Gavin <br /> Ferlic seconded this motion which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br /> 22 <br />