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REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 14, 2008 <br />RESOLUTION NO. 3825-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL <br />OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br />AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SUBMIT TO <br />THE INDIANA FINANCE AUTHORITY AN <br />APPLICATION FOR A SITE ASSESSMENT <br />GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $92,386 FOR <br />PROPERTY LOCATED AT 731 WEST <br />CHIPPEWA AVENUE, SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA <br />WHEREAS, Indiana Land Trust 731 GRN is interested in submitting an <br />application for a Site Assessment Grant from the Indiana Finance Authority for a Phase II <br />Site Assessment at 731 West Chippewa Avenue in South Bend, Indiana; and <br />WHEREAS, the Site Assessment Grant Initiative Program (SAGI) requires that <br />the grant application be submitted by the political subdivision on behalf of a property <br />located within its jurisdiction; and <br />WHEREAS, the Mayor of the City of South Bend, Indiana, is the Chief Executive <br />Officer of the City and is the appropriate applicant for a Stipulated Remediation Grant <br />from the Indiana Finance Authority as part of the Site Assessment Grant Initiative <br />Program. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana, as follows: <br />SECTION I. That the Mayor of the City of South Bend, Indiana, is hereby <br />authorized to submit a Site Assessment Grant Initiative Program grant application in the <br />amount of $92,386.00 on behalf of the property owner, Indiana Land Trust 731 GRN for <br />a Phase II Site Assessment at 731 West Chippewa Avenue, South Bend, Indiana, the <br />former Hannover property. <br />SECTION II. That the Mayor of the City of South Bend, Indiana, shall file with <br />the Common Council a complete copy of the Site Assessment Grant application to be <br />submitted by the Mayor to the Indiana Finance Authority. <br />SECTION III. That for every activity, project, or program to be funded under this <br />resolution, the Mayor shall submit to the Common Council an appropriation ordinance <br />prior to expenditure of any funds received from the Indiana Finance Authority upon <br />approval of this application. <br />SECTION IV. That the Mayor shall be authorized to accept and affirm the grant <br />should one be awarded. <br />SECTION V. That the City of South Bend, Department of Community and <br />Economic Development be designated as the agency and office administering on behalf <br />of the City of South Bend any grant awarded under this application. <br />SECTION VI. That this resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after <br />its adoption by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />s/Timothy A. Rouse <br />Member of the Common Council <br />Councilmember Dieter, Chairperson, Community and Economic Development <br />Committee, reported that this committee held a Public Hearing to hear the pros and cons <br />on this bill this afternoon and voted to send it to the full Council with a favorable <br />recommendation. <br />15 <br />