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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 11, 2012 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />go back to the people that elected him into office and say look, on “x” date we sent this <br />off, on “x” date we received this back from the Justice Department saying that they <br />received this and moving forward. So whatever you may have that you can share with <br />the Council will give him, he guesses obviously so more education on what’s happened, <br />so he can take care of the constituency base put him into office. <br /> <br />Mr. Schmuhl stated that he would be happy to provide that information. <br /> <br />Council President Dieter asked if when the information was sent off, were there any <br />questions asked, or did you just say here you go, let us know? <br /> <br />Mr. Schmuhl advised that most of it was detailed in the letter that they also sent to <br />Councilmember’s, basically saying that we thought the City was unfit to review the <br />material because of the matter in which they believe it was obtained. Seeking outside <br />counsel which was stated just a moment ago, but also direction from the gentleman, G. <br />Robert Blakely, at the University of Notre Dame Law School, who authored the Federal <br />Wire Tap Act. He stated that he also advised the Mayor and the Administration on this <br />issue. Thinking that an outside entity, like the Federal Government, like the Civil Rights <br />Division, Mr. President and Mr. Vice-President were in a meeting with the Mayor and <br />representatives of the Rainbow Push Coalition, they were seeking the exact same strategy <br />making sure that the Civil Rights DOJ would be able to be engaged in this discussion and <br />that’s exactly what they have done. <br /> <br />Council President Dieter reiterated that there weren’t any specific questions. <br /> <br />Mr. Schmuhl reiterated that they asked them in the letter. He stated that the letter said <br />there was speculation in our community and in the media and with people that the <br />commentary on these tapes may be inappropriate and may also have improper and <br />potentially whatever types of activity and they want to make sure that they can listen to <br />those and review. <br /> <br />Council President Dieter stated that he e-mailed the Mayor, since they are audible, who is <br />going to be responsible for identify voices on there. <br /> <br />Mr. Schmuhl stated that he would probably leave that up to their investigators. He stated <br />that if they need to communicate with city personnel or the South Bend Police <br />Department, they certainly have the power to do that. <br /> <br />Councilmember Dieter asked if it would be the Interim Chief would be the one to say that <br />is so and so voice, we don’t know. <br /> <br />Mr. Schmuhl advised since we haven’t heard from Civil Rights DOJ, at this time, he <br />stated that he thought it would be premature to speculate on that. He stated that when <br />they do respond to our inquiry, he will be sure to keep Council apprised. <br /> <br />Council President Dieter stated for the record that the original thing was amended in <br />1986, and during the Patriot Act also. <br /> <br />Councilmember Henry Davis, Jr., asked if we are asking them to open up an investigation <br />or are we just saying you guys do what you may with these tapes? He stated that it’s still <br />unclear. He stated that if he were to send a letter on these tapes, he would ask them to <br />investigate these in hopes of defining whether there should be an investigation or not. <br />Which could potentially say open up an investigation, but just sending them and saying <br />you know do what you may, hope that you may not find anything, hoping that you may <br />find something, may not say anything to them as it being a priority to the City of South <br />Bend, so are we looking to them to do a possible investigation or are we just leaving it up <br />for their expertise. <br /> <br />Mr. Schumhl advised that it is their expertise. He stated that the Mayor was very clear. <br />This administration was very clear and Aladean DeRose, the acting City Attorney was <br />very clear in that letter to say that the Mayor is concerned about these rumors, the Mayor <br /> 19 <br /> <br />