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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 11, 2012 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />she has been a member of the commission since 1984. She stated that she hopes the <br />Council is not going to postpone this matter any longer. She stated that there has been <br />sufficient investigation and its time for them to be able to move into a better situation. <br /> <br />The following individuals spoke in opposition to this bill: <br /> <br />Wendell Johnson, 305 S. Falcon Street, South Bend, Indiana, advised that he lives on the <br />Western Avenue corridor. He stated that there are many buildings there that are empty <br />and need development. He stated that the Human Rights Commission is supposed to <br />serve all, but they are probably serving more outside the city. He stated that the people <br />who are in most need of those services live on the west end of South Bend, and are very <br />seldom if ever heard. He asked the Council if they have ever used the services that the <br />Human Rights Commission provides. Has anyone ever gone there? He stated that if they <br />want a bigger building, revamp, and identify a need to improve and to help the city. He <br />stated that they need to look at the minority population to see if they have been serviced <br />well. Are we getting our monies worth? He advised the Council to ask these questions <br />before they are allowed to move. He stated that he wants improvement, and for the city <br />to grow. <br /> <br />Jesse Davis, 1333 Calvert, South Bend, Indiana, stated that he is confused because it was <br />mentioned that they had looked at a few buildings that the City owns, that supposedly <br />weren’t ADA compliant or up to code, then there were comments made that they didn’t <br />look at buildings that were on a list that Redevelopment has. He asked for clarification <br />from the Council and advised them to continue this bill until all the questions are <br />answered. He stated that obviously human rights are important to everybody in the <br />community, but at this point, who is the landlord that is going to be taking the money on <br />the lease as well, and are copies available for the public look at. <br /> <br />In rebuttal, Ms. DeRose stated that the Board of Public Works was advised by legal <br />counsel of the requirements of the Act. She stated that the requirements of the Act and <br />the requirements of the Act are that you don’t go outside unless you have adequately <br />looked within, because that is the test of necessity and to best of their knowledge none of <br />our buildings meet the needs of the Human Rights Commission, which are unique and are <br />special to them and there are no other spaces that would accommodate this use. She <br />stated that all the Council needs to do is make a finding that this is necessary for the use <br />of the commission and that’s what they are asking the Council to do. <br /> <br />Council Attorney Kathy Cekanski-Farrand stated in response to last gentleman who <br />spoke. The lease was available before the Board of Publics acting upon it. <br /> <br />Mr. Custard clarified his comment on the initial list. That list that he was talking about <br />was a list of potential buildings that they could lease, it did not include any city own <br />buildings, that was already looked at before they initiated their list. <br /> <br />Councilmember Dieter asked who looked at that list. <br /> <br />Mr. Custard stated that it was the Engineering Department. <br /> <br />Councilmember Dieter asked if Engineering has a list of the buildings that they looked at. <br /> <br />Mr. Custard stated that he was not sure. <br /> <br />Councilmember Dieter asked if that list could be made available to the Council. <br /> <br />Mr. Custard stated that he would ask. <br /> <br />Councilmember Scott asked if there was a report stating that these buildings were on the <br />list and we rejected them for whatever reason. He stated that he would like to see <br />something like that. <br /> <br />Mr. Custard stated that he would ask the Engineering Department. <br /> 10 <br /> <br />