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REGULAR MEETING MAY 29, 2012 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />invite people to write in with their thoughts on what is especially important. We may also find <br />that something more structured like a community would be appropriate. <br /> <br />Councilmember Henry Davis asked what the timeline on this is. <br /> <br />Mayor Buttigieg advised that he stated previously would be abusing Chief Hurley’s willingness <br />to serve if we went passed this calendar year and his hope is to be interviewing finalists with a <br />view toward a decision late this summer early this fall. <br /> <br />Councilmember Henry Davis stated that his concern is not necessarily the Police Chief as it is <br />the other ranking officials and officers within the Police Department. He stated last time we <br />were here he made mention of the numbers of 260 maybe give or take a few officers that are <br />within the department and the number of minorities that are actually out of that number which is <br />28, which it is actually 30 because he is including all of them. So it’s 230 Caucasian men <br />women and there is 30 are just African-Americans; American-Asian; American-Indian. So when <br />your structure is such like that, its just one position, one person, one chief and it’s clear that we <br />need that but his concerns is dealing with ranks that is inside the police department where you <br />have more officers serving at different capacities, such as lieutenant; head of the detective <br />bureau; as so on, and those are things that he thinks are a lot more important that just this one <br />position and is speaking for where he is at. He stated that he could be off-kilter with this, but he <br />thinks that when we begin to really look at what we are doing and concentrate solely on one <br />position that doesn’t help out with the other 259 officers that are on the police force or 260 <br />officers, he doesn’t know what that number is right now, he doesn’t have his paper in front of <br />him. He stated that when the administration begins to concentrate on rank and moving people to <br />the head of the detective bureau, being head of any other uniform chief and so on, we need to <br />really start looking at those numbers more so than just that one and making sure that it is <br />representative of the entire city rather than just one segment or sector of this city. He stated that <br />he read in the newspaper and thought that this was a very very good thing. The Fire Department <br />is going out and saying that they are going to recruit more minorities some of sites that they said <br />nd <br />are within the 2 District. The question that he has about it because he does applaud the efforts, <br />how soon will these people is hired. A lot of people are looking for jobs right now rather than a <br />year from now, two years from now, three years from now. He suggested it probably will be <br />more than six (6) months from now and so when we are out here saying that this is what we are <br />going to do, we are going to get a lot of people amped up, hyped up, happy that this is going to <br />happen and it maybe something that is going to never happen. He asked if the Mayor was <br />following him, because when it falls back this way and people say this is why we don’t trust you <br />politicians or you elected officials when you say one thing and do another. A lot of the <br />application process becomes a wish for people rather than just a day out in front of the news <br />camera’s saying this is what we are doing and doesn’t measure out at the end of the day. He <br />stated that he thinks that same commitment that the Fire Department is making should be made <br />on behalf of the South Bend Police Department as well, going in the ranks but also recruiting in, <br />because those things are quite valuable, it is just not this one position, you know you can’t win or <br />lose on this one position but you lose on the other positions or you win on the other positions. <br /> <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis asked Mayor Buttigieg if he had any comment on what <br />Councilmember Henry Davis said. <br /> <br />Mayor Buttigieg stated that’s right it would be wrong for us to promise that over night the make- <br />up Fire or Police Departments can come closer to where we want it to be which is of course a <br />composition that reflects the community at large. He stated that he will say that the Fire <br />Department is committed and you will notice that the approach that the Fire Department is taking <br />is really to begin at the beginning and to make sure that they are doing everything they can to <br />reach out to people at the very beginning of the process so that they get more people coming in, <br />in the first place. He stated that they are looking everywhere they can to try to attract more <br />applicants. These is the same strategy that has been in place in the police department and spoke <br />with former Chief Boykins and have stressed with Interim-Chief Hurley and will certainly <br />emphasize with whoever the future chief is. He stated that once again to really succeed in this, <br /> 8 <br /> <br />