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REGULAR MEETING MAY 29, 2012 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />a community that is very rich in its diversity and we need to make sure that every neighborhood, <br />every individual, representatives of any minority in the community feel absolutely confident that <br />they trust in the integrity of the Police Department in setting that tone begins with the Police <br />Chief. Third, it is very important that they have leadership that is able to transcend any kind of <br />internal issues or disputes in the police department. This is important in the leadership of any <br />department, but places a great deal of emphasis certainly in his own deliberations in ensuring that <br />we have leadership that is capable of transcending any kind of internal politics in the <br />organization. Lastly, quite importantly has the ability to understand how to use data as a way to <br />fight and respond to but also anticipate the need for police services. Because we are not able to <br />put an officer on every block its is extremely important to be able use our resources efficiently <br />and he is interested in candidates who have an understanding of how to do this and also <br />candidates who are familiar with some of the different certification and accreditation standards <br />such as those issued by the organization CLEA which might help us in this goal. He stated that <br />throughout this process it is going to be very important to have input from the Council and would <br />invite the Council in whatever way is considered by this body to be most appropriate. To submit <br />either a document or meet to share beliefs on what would be important for the candidates in this <br />role. Of course public it is going to be very important to make sure that we have an <br />understanding of where the community is and that the priorities of the community in selecting <br />the leadership for their police department is taken on board. He stated that he thinks there <br />shouldn’t be anything ruled out. He doesn’t think any candidate should be ruled in or out and <br />this will be a very wide ranging search. He stated that they will take a good look at everybody <br />who is ready to step up internal to the department. They will also have conversations with <br />national organizations that provide research and expertise when it comes to police, to try to get <br />any information that might be useful for us here in South Bend in making this decision. <br /> <br />Councilmember Scott asked how many candidates’ applications have been received. <br /> <br />Mayor Buttigieg stated that they have not accepted formal applications or identified individual <br />candidates. He stated that they are still in the process of refining the search criteria as well as <br />identifying internal/external people who might be ready to step up. <br /> <br />Councilmember Scott asked if he had an internal team. <br /> <br />Mayor Buttigieg stated that they haven’t formed a formal team, obviously his office is closely <br />engaged, and he has asked Interim Chief Hurley to share his assessment of leaders inside the <br />department and again want to really engage the Council more broadly and the community in <br />order to get information. <br /> <br />Councilmember Scott asked if he used a consulting agent or if they were looking at something <br />like that and the cost. <br /> <br />Mayor Buttigieg stated that they are open to it, but because of the cost they need to be very <br />careful for what they sign on for. <br /> <br />Councilmember White asked in terms of trying to gather input from the public what are the <br />plans, process and the time line for doing so. She stated that the Mayor had indicated a number <br />of standards by which he was looking in terms of selecting a new person to become Chief and <br />mentioned an overall vision, so is the vision what he has for the City, the three questions. Or is <br />the vision for the police department. <br /> <br />Mayor Buttigieg stated that he is certainly hoping that the police department will be in run a way <br />that is consistent with the overall vision for the administration and for the city, offered by this <br />administration. He stated that it is a way they think about any personnel or hiring decision, <br />especially a senior leadership one. He stated that he is still open and have not locked down a <br />particular format for receiving public input. He stated he thinks that it would be good to have <br />more than one channel for that to be available. One might be to take advantage of the internet or <br /> 7 <br /> <br />