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REGULAR MEETING MAY 29, 2012 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Whereas, boundary changes may be made to Economic Development Areas, and <br />require an amendment to the Plan for the area by the Redevelopment Commission and <br />must also be approved by the Area Plan Commission and the Common Council; and <br /> <br />Whereas, in June of 1999, a “Lincoln Way West Commercial Corridor <br />Revitalization Action Plan” was published with this 41-page document setting forth the <br />following goal: <br /> <br />“To establish Lincolnway West as an attractive entrance to Downtown South Bend that <br />also provides neighborhood commercial nodes that satisfy the convenience, services, and <br />employment needs of nearby residents and commuters” [as well as to satisfy the stated <br />national goal of ‘smart growth’ by providing redevelopment sites that avoid the <br />detrimental affects of sprawl”. (Lincoln Way West Commercial Corridor Revitalization <br />Action Plan, p. 2) <br /> <br /> Now, Therefore, be it resolved, by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana, as follows: <br /> <br />Section I. The Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, believes that <br />despite the efforts made under the 1999 Lincoln Way West Commercial Corridor <br />Revitalization Action Plan, that the City of South Bend needs to re-dedicate its efforts to <br />improving this main western entrance to Downtown South Bend, Indiana. <br /> <br />Section II. The Council believes that there are far too many blighted areas along <br />Lincoln Way West which provide a negative impact not only the residents and businesses <br />along this main thoroughfare, but also to visitors to our city.. <br /> <br />Section III. The Common Council further believes that improving Lincoln Way <br />West should be a top priority moving forward. The Council believes that dialogue with <br />the South Bend Redevelopment Commission, the staff of the Community & Economic <br />Development Department provide an opportunity as to whether a significant portion <br />should be included into the Airport Economic Development Area. <br /> <br /> Section IV. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption <br />by the Council and approval by the Mayor. <br /> <br /> s/Henry Davis, Jr. <br /> Member of the Common Council <br /> <br /> s/Karen L. White <br /> Member of the Common Council <br /> <br />Councilmember Henry Davis, Jr., Chairperson, Community & Economic Development <br />Committee, reported that this committee held a Public Hearing on this bill this afternoon <br />and voted to send it to the full Council with a favorable recommendation. <br /> <br />Councilmember Henry Davis, Jr., 5117 Idlewood Drive, South Bend, Indiana and <br />Councilmember Karen L. White, 1912 Malvern Way, South Bend, Indiana, made the <br />presentation for this Resolution. <br /> <br />Councilmember Henry Davis, Jr., advised that he and Councilmember White have talked <br />with the Council about the lack of development and lack of planning for Lincolnway <br />West as it relates to what they see and what they offer to people who come into the <br />community to retain business or attract business and for the people who live there as well. <br />There has been a perception that that stretch of highway that runs through our city as <br />being very unsafe, run down, drug infested along with prostitution. He stated that what <br />they are asking is for potential investment from the City of South Bend to allow that area <br />to grow in the way it used to. He stated that it’s a main corridor, they don’t want people <br />to obviously not want to go down Lincolnway West, they don’t want people going on the <br />by-pass going around the city and spend their money in Mishawaka area, the Granger <br />area, they want them to stay right here. He stated that they want to present a very <br /> 28 <br /> <br />