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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> shows. I'm curious because I don't know if they have things, like, I've heard kids saying it would <br /> be cool to have a forensic club. Maybe we'll talk about that with regards to community in-reach. <br /> Committee Chair Broden stated, Thank you. Before we completely close out, I would like to give <br /> the floor to anyone who has been working behind the scenes. <br /> Christina Brooks, Diversity Inclusion Officer for the City of South Bend with offices located on <br /> the 14th floor of the County-City Building, stated, We are advertising at every social event. Any <br /> public event that is a part of the recruitment process,we are encouraging neighborhoods to actually <br /> help identify ten(10)individuals, specifically African American and Latino,men and women,that <br /> they can recommend to us that we could then start working with and go through all of the resources <br /> we have in place. We want to bring them in as a cohort so that they would go through the process <br /> together and support each other through it. It is a strategy that has been effective in other industries <br /> and this is something we are doing with the Police Department. Bill Redman with the Sheriff s <br /> Department is also piggybacking off our idea. He is also embarking on this same activity. This <br /> really doesn't do the work justice. The man hours, woman hours, officer hours, and fire fighter <br /> hours that went into putting all of this together over the last couple of years has been extraordinary. <br /> I always tell people that when systemic or institutional changes happen at this level, you're usually <br /> looking at five (5) to seven (7) years for them to come to fruition. The fact that the South Bend <br /> Public Safety divisions have been able to do this in two (2) years is unheard of. It is unheard of. <br /> To me, it speaks to the level of commitment from both the Police and Fire Chiefs, the team <br /> assembled to push this forward, Innovation with Danielle, HR with Ian, Christine and Kyra, and <br /> my work I've done with Diversity Inclusion. We are proud of this. We still have a long way to go <br /> but I'm encouraged. <br /> Jeff Rynearson, Operations Division Chief for the South Bend Police Department with offices <br /> located at 701 W. Sample Street, stated, I would like to just add, and it's a mantra I grew up with, <br /> we all know someone in public service or someone who would be a good candidate for public <br /> service. It's up to the community and the Tribune actually did a nice article a couple weeks ago. <br /> They also realize that it is important for the community to recognize that this is an issue and that <br /> we need to encourage young men and women to fall into this line of work. Really, every <br /> community member and especially those leaders, need to help steer those individuals our way. <br /> One(1) of the things we are looking at is trying to get into high schools as a medium to long-term <br /> plan. I think that would be a nice partnership. <br /> Chief Cox stated, I would like to add one (1) last piece. I just want to mention that, and I don't <br /> think either one (1) of us has said this yet, I would be remised if I didn't add to Christina's point. <br /> Scott and I have the privilege of coming before the Council or speaking before the Mayor and <br /> bringing the good news and everything here. Honestly, we couldn't do this without the teams <br /> within our department. Christina hit the nail on the head. We are talking about hundreds upon <br /> thousands of hours of work by folks within our departments who are out there and are passionately <br /> driving home this message. They are going into their own communities and working really hard. <br /> It is important for everyone to remember this is not just a one (1) shot deal, this is a never-ending <br /> process. So, the idea of this is that it continues. We're just starting. We need to continue to build <br /> as we move forward. <br /> Committee Chair Broden stated, At a future meeting, I would like to see the performance <br /> evaluations on the career path development come back. I do think if you are happy in your job, <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION ! INCLUSION ! EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 I I D574.235.5567 <br /> 10 <br />