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Oliver Davis (6th Dist.) also advocated and expanded curb, sidewalk, and street improvement <br />program in his district. He thought the integrity of the Olive /Sample overpass should be <br />investigated. Expanded summer youth programs rounded out his priorities. <br />Gavin Ferlic (At- Large) suggested a fresh look at the way the Neighborhood Code Enforcement <br />Department enforces quality of life ordinances with a mind to streamlining enforcement and <br />collection methods. He thought a more aggressive annexation approach specifically east of <br />Notre Dame was needed. Corridor investments and additional bike paths were also on his <br />agenda. <br />Karen White (At- Large) championed quality of life issues, using TIF dollars to spur corridor <br />development and increase the tax base. <br />Derek Dieter (At- Large) was absent. <br />The citizen members of the Personnel & Finance Committee, Tammy McNally and Juliane James <br />suggested efforts to better clean -up downtown, to reduce siren noise at night, to better clean -up <br />parks and a host of other quality of life issues. <br />They also proposed a look at the possibility of re- establishing a City Court to expedite <br />enforcement and increase revenue. <br />Moving to a close in the interests of time Karen called upon Mark Neal to summarize the <br />presentation and lay out the next steps in the budget process. <br />Mark, along with John Murphy again went over the budget calendar. They also discussed <br />upcoming police and fire contract negotiations. Murphy did a basic walk- through of how to read <br />the budget. <br />Finally, at the initial request of Valerie Schey supported by all the Council asked Mark to develop <br />a summary page for each department outlining the source of all funds they expend. <br />There being no further business to come before the committee at this time, Chairperson Karen <br />White adjourned the meeting at 5:52 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Karen White, Chairperson <br />Personnel & Finance <br />