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PERSONNEL AND FINANCE COMMITTEE <br />June 27, 2012 4:30 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Karen White, Gavin Ferlic, Dr. David Varner, Henry Davis <br />Citizen Members Present: Tammy McNally, Juliane James <br />Other Council Present: Tim Scott, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Oliver Davis, Valerie Schey, <br />Others Present: John Murphy, Mark Neal, Kathryn Roos, Mayor Pete, Mike Schmuhl, <br />Kathy Cekanski - Farrand, Sheri Miller Story <br />Agenda: Workshop #4 <br />This meeting of the Personnel and Finance Committee is the fourth (4th) and final workshop put <br />together by Councilmember Karen White with the cooperation of the City's Administration and <br />Finance Department headed by City Controller Mark Neal. This sessions agenda includes a <br />discussion of both the administration's and Councilmember's initiatives. A budget calendar <br />presented by Mark Neal. A brief economic overview along with revenue and expense forecasts <br />would wrap -up the meeting. <br />Mayor Buttigieg and Mark Neal opened by presenting their parameters in the development of <br />their 2013 budget initiatives. These as well as the budget calendar, some 2013 assumptions, and <br />supplemental Council priorities is attached. Upon completion of this 2013 budget overview Karen <br />White asked Councilmember's for their personal priorities and performance measures. <br />Tim Scott (1St Dist.) said the top issue for him was public safety along with other quality of life <br />issues most importantly addressing the vacant and abandoned houses in the district. Other <br />priorities would be a curb & sidewalk program and finally improvements to Muessel and Pinhook <br />Parks. <br />Henry Davis (2nd Dist.) focused his comments on initiating an overhauled more effective <br />economic development plan. This would include analyzing the criteria used in expending TIF <br />dollars, specifically tying it to job creation. Forming a job recruitment team and working with <br />banks who would be willing to accept more risk in their lending policies. Henry also alluded to <br />more equity in park programming and more equity in pay for minorities. <br />Valerie Schey (3`d Dist.) also focused on measurable economic development plans. She <br />suggested a cost/benefit analysis of city owned facilities especially those downtown i.e. Morris, <br />Palais, Century Center, and Hall of Fame. Valerie urged work be done to increase the tax base <br />in the downtown as well as stimulating private investment in the corridors. <br />Dr. Fred Ferlic (4th Dist.) spoke to advocate more public /private interaction to encourage <br />economic investment. This same type of interactive model could be used to address quality of <br />life issues in neighborhoods such as the vacant and abandoned housing problem. Finally he <br />suggested consistent police patrols and more effective neighborhood watch programs as a way of <br />addressing crime both the reality and perception of crime. <br />David Varner (5th Dist.) advocated a more creative use of TIF dollars to increase net assessed <br />value and create jobs. He also urged more funding for curbs and sidewalks. David also hoped <br />the City would explore the privatization of Blackthorne Golf Course and also revisit the purchase <br />and demolition of 31 homes along Fellows approaching the by -pass. <br />