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110 CITY OF SOUTH BEND j OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Committee Chair Broden followed up, And for the benefit for folks following at home, is there a <br /> checklist of some sort that is easily accessible and communicated? And I know Parks has that <br /> within their plan and we have the specific timeline for the bond, but to me, I guess when I looked <br /> at the attachments, what is included here, does that represent all the attachments or is there a list <br /> that's evergreen? Is there an itemized list? <br /> Ms. DeRose replied, If you look at most of these, a lot of them are things that are probably easily <br /> done. So, anything that can be done at a very low cost will be done. It is the more difficult ones <br /> that will take some time. That is why there is a caveat there. Some of these have been done, they <br /> just haven't been reassessed. So, this was done in 2015. Between 2015 and 2018, many of these <br /> were corrected but we don't know how many. And we didn't want to send the whole thing out <br /> again. <br /> Committee Chair Broden then asked, So do you have a scorecard, if you would, to our progress? <br /> I see it narratively here,but I don't see it visually. <br /> Ms. DeRose replied, The scorecard would be, if you look at attachment three (3), you see public <br /> parks and barriers and then one (1), two (2), three (3), four(4), and five (5). What you would see <br /> then is no ADA barrier when something has been fixed. <br /> Committee Chair Broden stated, I read the detail on it, but I just didn't, my understanding is that <br /> this is kind of frozen in time for 2015 but then you're updating it. And I can see that but the list <br /> keeper in me, and for folks at home where this is an interest, and I think we should all have an <br /> interest, but part of me wants to see where we are on this from 2015. <br /> Ms. DeRose replied, I can't do that. What I can tell you is that so many of these will be part of the <br /> VPA Project. Most and many of these have been corrected. So, I'm sorry this is limited to 2015 <br /> but the problem is you send out the assessment and then two (2) weeks later something else is <br /> done. It is always a moving target. <br /> Committee Chair Broden followed up, I think many of us voted for the Parks Bond specifically <br /> because we knew we would chip off these projects. You had mentioned 311 and then this `I Speak' <br /> thing that is out there and the access to the language line, are there some ways for us to <br /> communicate those as improved services by the City? Have I missed that? Those PR <br /> communications? <br /> Ms. DeRose replied, We haven't yet but I think that once the plan is adopted, that is the plan. <br /> Committee Chair Broden followed up, I guess I would like to see that as robust as possible because <br /> I think it is how people interface with us and if they know those are possibilities available at every <br /> desk and counter. Thank you for all your work on this. <br /> Committee Chair Broden then opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak in favor <br /> of or in opposition to the legislation. <br /> Sue Kesim, 4022 Kennedy Drive, stated, This is more of a question, do we get extra federal funds <br /> to help with these projects? <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION ' EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD574.235.5567 <br /> 5 <br />