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CITY OF SOUTH BEND ' OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> also told by the department heads that, though there may have been more, they have all been <br /> resolved immediately at the department level. So, we have not had any problems with grievances. <br /> This plan, as I said in Title Six (VI), is required by any city in the United States receiving federal <br /> funds. It is the right thing and the proper thing to do. Therefore,this Plan requires federal approval <br /> which we received from the Department of Transportation in October 2018. A copy was sent at <br /> that time and it was approved. So, it meets federal requirements. No person in the United States <br /> shall, on the ground of race, color, national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied <br /> the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal <br /> financial assistance. That list has been expanded by other federal laws over the last several years. <br /> That is the Act of 1964, so, between 1964 and 2018 other groups have been added. So, we are <br /> asking in the interest of the public good as well as for compliance for State and Federal Laws that <br /> you approve the Title Six (VI) Plan and the updates to the 2013 ADA Transition Plan. <br /> Committee Chair Broden opened the floor to questions from Committee and Council Members. <br /> Committeemember Karen White asked, When you look on the page that talked about intersection <br /> priorities and that progress has been made, do you have a certain percentage of intersections you <br /> want to target? I noticed the low priorities have increased from one hundred and six (106). <br /> Ms. DeRose replied, The lows are every place and everything else. The only ones we are really <br /> concerned about, as of now, are the high priority ones. We are attacking them level by level and <br /> as long as we are acting within the scope of our plan, we are fine. The idea is to eliminate the <br /> barriers within level one (1) first (1St), which is the governmental service areas. The second (2nd) <br /> area is the commercial and employment centers. We've not made as much but have made some <br /> progress there. That is another area we want to focus on. This is all quite expensive so every year <br /> we will be doing something, but it will not take place immediately. <br /> Committeemember White followed up, So after action by Council tonight, what would be the next <br /> steps? <br /> Ms. DeRose replied, The next step of the process, and it is sort of an interactive process, but the <br /> Public Works Director and I, and others,will get together and identify places. A lot of the times it <br /> is, again,by the prioritization. Other times it is members of the public bringing it to our attention. <br /> So, we need public input. We've had some and when we hear from the public, we try to respond. <br /> Committeemember John Voorde stated, I had a good experience with a request to make some curb <br /> and sidewalk improvements. My daughter is in a chair and she couldn't navigate the <br /> Corby/Ironwood/Rockne crossing without going out into the street. Before I knew it, it was done. <br /> Committee Chair Broden asked, The assessment that occurred at the departmental level in 2015, <br /> what is our responsibility in terms of revisiting that? <br /> Ms. DeRose replied, We try to do it every three(3) years but the problem with doing it now is we <br /> are in the process of the Venues, Parks &Arts Project. That is the area where they will hit a lot of <br /> this and the plan is, as soon as that's completed,we will send out another assessment. We do know <br /> that every work project is done to ADA standard so anything that has been done should have been <br /> done completely in accordance to ADA standards. <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION I INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD574.235.5567 <br /> 4 <br />