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Information and Technology Committee <br />February 6, 2008 <br />Page 5 <br />Council President Rouse noted that the lowest bidder is not always getting the job and that there are <br />valid reasons to do this. He cited the South Bend Community School Corporation as a recent <br />example. <br />Mr. Gilot noted that the Board looks for the lowest, responsive responsible bidder. <br />Mr. Gilot noted the public access channel is Channel 99. Comcast's position is that any <br />municipality can have access. He stated that a community calendar and the taped Council meetings, <br />could be handled by his staff and IT, however, if the City decides to go beyond that, they could not. <br />He noted that City Attorney Charles Leone has voiced concern regarding content, and that they <br />could not prohibit the KKK, if they wanted to use it. <br />Council President Rouse stated that many constituents have raised their concerns about public <br />access under the Privilege of the Floor section of the regular Council meetings. This is a concern <br />across the state of Indiana, and there have been hearings in the US Congress. He stated that the City <br />owes it to its constituents to see what are the alternatives. <br />Council Member White stated that bringing in other entities to discuss this topic from a broad <br />community perspective is needed. She believes there is an excellent opportunity to partner, and that <br />ongoing discussions should take place. <br />Dr. Varner noted that the larger picture includes public broadcast. The first step will be the Council <br />meetings playbacks. He noted that other communities use libraries or not-for-profits to manage <br />public access. He asked the Council Attorney to provide an update on how some of the other <br />Indiana communities were handling this. <br />In response to questions from Dr. Varner, Angel Hernandez and Brian Hoover of WNIT-TV noted <br />that theirs is anot-for-profit publicly community licensed station. They would be willing to assist <br />the city in this area. They operate in twenty-two (22) counties in a 30 mile radius--- from <br />Kalamazoo, Michigan to Warsaw, Indiana. <br />Council President Rouse suggested that Andrea Price of Indianapolis and Eric Mulberg of Fort <br />Wayne also be contacted, since this is a big issue. <br />Dr. Varner encouraged any one present who would be interested from the public, to provide contact <br />information. He also requested that people email him with names and addresses. <br />George Lane of 2405 Division Street in Mishawaka commended the Council for working hard on <br />this issue. He stated that many in this room, and those who could not be present, are very <br />concerned about public access. He has been recording interviews with WWII veterans for the past 1 <br />%2 years, noting that about 1,000 are dieing each day and that that history will be lost forever. He <br />hopes to donate these tapes some day to Notre Dame or Vincennes University so that they will be <br />