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square foot building costing at least $6,500,000. In addition to an estimated <br />$240,000 in new taxes generated the project would create 30 new full time jobs. <br />Matt Edmonds from Tire Rack was present to respond to Council questions. <br />Based upon the facts presented along with the strong approval of the Economic <br />Development Department the Committee unanimously forwarded the bill <br />favorably after motions by Karen White and Dr. Ferlic. <br />The next item, Bill No. 12 -34, was presented by Pam Meyer, Director of <br />Community Development. This bill would approve the extension of an <br />agreement among government entities to continue the St. Joseph County <br />Housing Consortium. The Consortium exists so that more funds can be applied <br />for from HUD for housing activities than can be applied for if the three <br />governmental units (South Bend, Mishawaka, and St. Joseph County) applied <br />separately. Each legislative body must agree to act collectively while authorizing <br />the Mayors and Commissioners to continue the Housing Consortium for a period <br />of 3 more years. This seemingly routine approval request prompted spirited <br />commentary during the public portion. Mr. Joseph Shabazz claimed the City was <br />violating Sec. C -3 of HUD requirements that a portion of the money received <br />from the feds directly benefit low income people through jobs and contracts. <br />Pam Meyer refuted the violation claim citing the department's history of <br />compliance and accountability with all federal regulations. Though the response <br />was challenged Dr. Ferlic motioned the bill go to Council favorably. Citizen <br />member Pat Crowley offered a second and all affirmed. <br />The next agenda item Bill No. 12 -35 would approve a tax exemption for certain IT <br />equipment in the new data center under construction in Ignition Park. This <br />request from exemption is the first since the Council passed a resolution last year <br />supporting the exemption for investments in IT equipment. The resolution helped <br />the passage of a state law allowing the exemption so that Indiana could compete <br />for IT development investments that were going to surrounding states. This <br />particular exemption approval request items from the new data center in Ignition <br />Park. The total investments is $14.2 million of which $6 million is the equipment <br />eligible for exemption Mr. Rich Carlton making the presentation for the data <br />center said it was this exemption that tipped the scales in favor of investment <br />here. During the public portion Murray Miller said he remembered the data <br />center saying they would not seek abatement. Mr. Carlton and Don Inks both <br />stated the promise was not to apply for abatement on the land or building. In <br />other words $8.2 million in new value would be fully taxable. After Council follow - <br />up Karen White motioned for approval. Dr. Ferlic seconded and all approved. <br />The final agenda item was Bill No. 12 -27 an amendment to the use of Certified <br />Tech Park Funds. The presentation to Council was made by Don Inks. Don <br />provided for illustrative purposes a two page report on the use of Tech Park <br />Funds originally submitted and approved by the Redevelopment Commission. <br />(Attachment filed in the Office of the City Clerk) The report outlines the <br />background, current status, the uses of funds and the proposed changes in the <br />